
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞


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OpenStack DBaas 云数据即服务之☞troveError

1,with OpenStack Networking launch an instance VMs 前创建Cloud image public key pair

2,launch an instance,you must at least specify the flavor,image name,network,security group,key,and instanceName

2.1 A flavor specifies a virtual resource allocation profile which includes processor,memory,and storage

  list available flavors

  list available images

  list available net

  list available SecurityGroup

3,launch an instance

跑OpenStack 10个全组件(跑2个instances)OS负载

4,access instance using a virtual console

基于上面返回的virtual console使用web浏览器访问指定虚机,不要眨眼哦,亲;


OpenStack securityGroup rule规则配置

add rules to default securityGroup
a. permit ICMP (ping)

b. Permit secure shell (SSH) access

floating-ip 创建及分配

posted on 2014-10-11 16:16  秦瑞It行程实录  阅读(487)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报