
环境:Python 3.5+, Django 1.9+


1. 两个库的作者是同一个人INADA Naoki, pip库邮箱都指向

2. PyMySQL的代码人员methane说mysqlclient速度更快及PyMySQL的应用场景,参见: 

 mysqlclient-python is much faster than PyMySQL.
When to use PyMySQL is:

    • You can't use libmysqlclient for some reason
    • You want to use monkeypatched socket of gevent or eventlet
    • You wan't to hack mysql protocol

3. Django1.9.12官方文档中:

Django requires mysqlclient 1.3.3 or later. Note that Python 3.2 is not supported. Except for the Python 3.3+ support,
mysqlclient should mostly behave the same as MySQLDB.

4.  两者基本面的对比




posted @ 2017-05-30 15:28  大棚  阅读(14659)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报