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Over the last few weeks I've been writing a series of blog posts that cover LINQ to SQL.  LINQ to SQL is a built-in O/RM (object relational mapper) that ships in the .NET Framework 3.5 release, and which enables you to easily model relational databases using .NET classes.  You can use LINQ expressions to query the database with them, as well as update/insert/delete data

几周前我写了关于LINQ to SQL的系列文章。LINQ to SQL.是一个.NET 3.5版本内建的对象关系映射框架,可以很方便的使用.NET 类为关系数据库建模。然后通过LINQ表达式来查询/更新/插入/删除数据。

In these previous LINQ to SQL blog posts I focused on how you can programmatically use LINQ to SQL to easily query and update data within a database.

In today's blog post I'll cover the new <asp:LinqDataSource> control that is shipping as part of ASP.NET in the upcoming .NET 3.5 release.  This control is a new datasource control for ASP.NET (like the ObjectDataSource and SQLDataSource controls that shipped with ASP.NET 2.0) which makes declaratively binding ASP.NET UI controls to LINQ to SQL data models super easy.
在之前的LINQ to SQL 日志中,主要是通过程序使用LINQ to SQL 方便的进行查询和更新数据。
今天,将介绍新的<asp:LinqDataSource>控件,该控件作为Asp.NET的一部分在即将到来的.NET3.5版本中发布。 此控件是一个新的数据源控件(如同Asp.NET2.0中的ObjectDataSource 和SQLDataSource controls 一样)使绑定ASP.NET UI 控件和LINQ to SQL数据模型非常容易。

posted on 2007-11-06 12:57  罗宾  阅读(589)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报