Checklist for improving project management!

As IT project is always prone to be out of control, we can use following checklist to make project management much easier:

  1. Do you use source control?
  2. Can you make a build in one step?
  3. Do you make daily builds?
  4. Do you have a bug database?
  5. Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
  6. Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
  7. Do you have a spec?
  8. Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
  9. Do you use the best tools money can buy?
  10. Do you have testers?
  11. Do new candidates write code during their interview?
  12. Do you do hallway usability testing?

Before starting your project, please make sure above questions' anwswer are YES. Then your project will be more manageable.

The list is from article: and it is absolutely correct from my point of view.


posted @ 2009-01-15 22:39  rlcao  阅读(188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报