初步尝试Teamplate Workflow Web Part for SharePoint Portal Server



Teamplate Workflow简单介绍

Teamplate Workflow组件(www.teamplate.com)是美国Captaris公司提供的工作流引擎,和Microsoft的产品进行了很好的集成,如SharePoint, InfoPath, BizTalk, Exchange, CMS, Outlook, Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley等等。


Teamplate for .Net允许客户迅速建立和部署工作流程自动化方案。该软件方案提供工作流程建立向导,让非技术用户在无须编写任何程序代码下,仍可建立和部署工作流程方案。另外,程序开发人员则可借助Visual Studio所提供功能全面IDE环境,开发负责而又能充分整合现有系统的工作流程方案,消减方案开发所需的时间和成本。




Teamplate Workflow完全集成SharePoint,并可以与Area, Library或指定的目录进行关联,同时通过特定的SharePoint事件(upload, change, copy, move, check-in, check-out, or delete)进行触发。Teamplate Workflow自动管理文档中心协作、批准、出版和任务提醒,让用户相互协作和完成任务。


Teamplate SharePoint Web Parts提供了Teamplate for .Net的大部分特性和功能,与基于Windows的界面相似的一组基于Web的组件。Teamplate SharePoint Web Parts可以定制并继承所部署SharePoint站点的属性。这些Web Parts允许SharePoint站点的AdministratorDesigner创建信息门户和文档管理系统。在这个环境中,用户可以访问基于浏览器的可视化Web组件来完成任务,如

1. FolderViewFileList Web Part可用来访问files, Models, TaskList and Monitoring  Views

2. TaskListProcessView Web Part可用来打开、执行和管理分配给他们的任务,管理所在的组和共享任务的用户。

3. Monitor Views则提供了工作流状态的图像化显示。


部署Teamplate SharePoint Web Parts

这个比较简单。在安装Teamplate时,会自动在C:\Inetpub\wwwroot文件夹下创建bin目录,并且拷贝相应的Web Parts。同时,这些Web Parts也注册为Safe Controls,并创建了相应的.dwp文件。


Troubleshooting Deployment

SharePoint 2003要求Windows 2003 ServerIIS Server 6. Teamplate SharePoint Web Parts正常运行还需要完成如下繁琐配置:

Ensure the Network Service or ASPNET User and permissions are configured to have full controls to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Models folder on the Security tab.

Teamplate is synchronized with Active Directory

Teamplate WebAccess Virtual Directory must be set to use Integrated Security (cannot be set to Anonymous) but this is a default of the installation of Teamplate Server

The machine running SharePoint within an Active Directory domain will need to be added as a "Trusted Delegate"

Enable Session State for all ASP.NET applications

The *.tmp extension is registered as a MIME Type.

There may permission issues with IIS. If this is the case then you will have to make

some configuration changes.

Developers creating workflow with the SharePoint Workflow Wizard need to be added to the Administrators Group of the SharePoint machine

Web Definition File and Safe Controls have been registered.

Event Handlers are configured properly.

Internet Explorer High Security Configuration is disabled.

Teamplate Events are firing.

SharePoint Portal Names. Ensure that you don’t use an underscore (“_“) in a SharePoint Portal name as this is a Microsoft Security issue.

posted @ 2004-09-15 00:59  Rickie  阅读(6963)  评论(12编辑  收藏  举报