[JavaScript] 你相信么,只需一个函数5行JS代码即可在Javascript中实现完整的AOP功能,
Posted on 2007-09-02 16:57 Riceball LEE 阅读(6659) 评论(26) 编辑 收藏 举报
ok,下面将继续增强 Inject的功能,将会把浪子提到的控制原函数是否执行加上。
- 无限层次的函数无害拦截
- 函数执行前拦截
- 检查函数的参数值
- 重新设定函数的参数值
- 函数执行后拦截
- 检查函数执行后的返回结果
- 重新设定函数的返回结果
FCKEditingArea.prototype.FckMediaStart = FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start;
FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = function( html, secondCall )
var sHeadExtra = '<link href="' + FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'media/css/fck_media.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;
html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
return this.FckMediaStart(html, secondCall);
FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = function( html, secondCall )
var sHeadExtra = '<link href="' + FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'media/css/fck_media.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;
html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
return this.FckMediaStart(html, secondCall);

FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = function( func ) {
return function( html ) {
html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
return func.apply(this, arguments);
return function( html ) {
html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
return func.apply(this, arguments);

@desc inject the function
@param aOrgFunc the original function to be injected.
@param aBeforeExec this is called before the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must return the arguments if you wanna modify the value of the aOrgFunc's arguments .
@param aAtferExec this is called after the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must add a result argument at the last argument of the aAtferExec function if you wanna
get the result value of the aOrgFunc.
you must return the result if you wanna modify the result value of the aOrgFunc .
@Usage Obj.prototype.aMethod = Inject(Obj.prototype.aMethod, aFunctionBeforeExec[, aFunctionAtferExec]);
@author Aimingoo&Riceball
var doTest = function (a) {return a};
function beforeTest(a) { alert('before exec: a='+a); a += 3; return arguments;};
function afterTest(a, result) { alert('after exec: a='+a+'; result='+result); return result+5;};
doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
alert (doTest(2));
the result should be 10.
function Inject( aOrgFunc, aBeforeExec, aAtferExec ) {
return function() {
if (typeof(aBeforeExec) == 'function') arguments = aBeforeExec.apply(this, arguments) || arguments;
//convert arguments object to array
var Result, args = [].slice.call(arguments);
args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args));
if (typeof(aAtferExec) == 'function') Result = aAtferExec.apply(this, args);
return (typeof(Result) != 'undefined')?Result:args.pop();
@desc inject the function
@param aOrgFunc the original function to be injected.
@param aBeforeExec this is called before the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must return the arguments if you wanna modify the value of the aOrgFunc's arguments .
@param aAtferExec this is called after the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must add a result argument at the last argument of the aAtferExec function if you wanna
get the result value of the aOrgFunc.
you must return the result if you wanna modify the result value of the aOrgFunc .
@Usage Obj.prototype.aMethod = Inject(Obj.prototype.aMethod, aFunctionBeforeExec[, aFunctionAtferExec]);
@author Aimingoo&Riceball
var doTest = function (a) {return a};
function beforeTest(a) { alert('before exec: a='+a); a += 3; return arguments;};
function afterTest(a, result) { alert('after exec: a='+a+'; result='+result); return result+5;};
doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
alert (doTest(2));
the result should be 10.
function Inject( aOrgFunc, aBeforeExec, aAtferExec ) {
return function() {
if (typeof(aBeforeExec) == 'function') arguments = aBeforeExec.apply(this, arguments) || arguments;
//convert arguments object to array
var Result, args = [].slice.call(arguments);
args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args));
if (typeof(aAtferExec) == 'function') Result = aAtferExec.apply(this, args);
return (typeof(Result) != 'undefined')?Result:args.pop();
FCKMediaProcessor.EditingArea_StartBefore = function ( html, secondCall )
var sHeadExtra = '<link href="' + FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'media/css/fck_media.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;
html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
return arguments;
FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = Inject(FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start, FCKMediaProcessor.EditingArea_StartBefore);
var sHeadExtra = '<link href="' + FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'media/css/fck_media.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;
html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
return arguments;
FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = Inject(FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start, FCKMediaProcessor.EditingArea_StartBefore);
ok,下面将继续增强 Inject的功能,将会把浪子提到的控制原函数是否执行加上。
- 执行前调用(BeforeExec)
- 如果修改了参数值,必须这样返回修改的参数: return new Arguments(arguments);
- 如果没有返回值或者返回undefined那么正常执行,返回其它值表明不执行原函数,该值作为替代的原函数返回值。
- 执行后调用(AfterExec)
- 如果希望取得函数的返回值,必须在原参数表后面增加一个参数: result
- 如果希望知道原函数是否被执行,那么必须在 result参数的后面再增加一个参数: isDenied 该值为真表明没有执行原函数
- 如果希望修改函数的返回值,那么你只要简单的把修改后的值返回即可。
//定义测试函数 doTest
var doTest = function (a) {
alert('dotest 运行中');
return a;
function beforeTest(a) {
alert('执行前参数: a='+a);
a += 1;
return new Arguments(arguments);
function afterTest(a, result, isDenied) {
alert('执行后参数: a='+a+'; result='+result+';isDenied='+isDenied);
return result+1;
doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
//执行 doTest并显示结果
alert (doTest(2));
var doTest = function (a) {
alert('dotest 运行中');
return a;
function beforeTest(a) {
alert('执行前参数: a='+a);
a += 1;
return new Arguments(arguments);
function afterTest(a, result, isDenied) {
alert('执行后参数: a='+a+'; result='+result+';isDenied='+isDenied);
return result+1;
doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
//执行 doTest并显示结果
alert (doTest(2));
@desc inject the function
@param aOrgFunc the original function to be injected.
@param aBeforeExec this is called before the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must return the arguments(new Arguments(arguments)) if you wanna modify the arguments value of the aOrgFunc.
it will stop the execution of the aOrgFunc if you return a value not an Arguments object nor a undefined value
@param aAtferExec this is called after the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must add a result argument at the last argument of the aAtferExec function if you wanna get the result value of the aOrgFunc.
you must add a isDenied argument following the result argument if you wanna know whether the aOrgFunc is executed.
you must return the result if you wanna modify the result value of the aOrgFunc .
@Usage Obj.prototype.Method = Inject(Obj.prototype.Method, aFunctionBeforeExec[, aFunctionAtferExec]);
@version 1.1
@author Aimingoo&Riceball
V1.0 -- fiest released.
V1.1 --
Supports to denie the aOrgFunc execution in aBeforeExec.
Supports around in the aAtferExec, the aAtferExec be always executed even though denie the aOrgFunc execution in aBeforeExec.
+ isDenied argument to the aAtferExec function. notice the aAtferExec whether the aOrgFunc is executed
var doTest = function (a) {return a};
function beforeTest(a) { alert('before exec: a='+a); a += 3; return new Arguments(arguments);};
function afterTest(a, result, isDenied) { alert('after exec: a='+a+'; result='+result+';isDenied='+isDenied); return result+5;};
doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
alert (doTest(2));
the result should be 10.
function Arguments(args) {
//convert arguments object to array
this.value = [].slice.call(args);
function Inject( aOrgFunc, aBeforeExec, aAtferExec ) {
return function() {
var Result, isDenied=false, args=[].slice.call(arguments);
if (typeof(aBeforeExec) == 'function') {
Result = aBeforeExec.apply(this, args);
if (Result instanceof Arguments) //(Result.constructor === Arguments)
args = Result.value;
else if (isDenied = Result !== undefined)
!isDenied && args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args)); //if (!isDenied) args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args));
if (typeof(aAtferExec) == 'function')
Result = aAtferExec.apply(this, args.concat(isDenied));
Result = undefined;
return (Result !== undefined ? Result : args.pop());
@desc inject the function
@param aOrgFunc the original function to be injected.
@param aBeforeExec this is called before the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must return the arguments(new Arguments(arguments)) if you wanna modify the arguments value of the aOrgFunc.
it will stop the execution of the aOrgFunc if you return a value not an Arguments object nor a undefined value
@param aAtferExec this is called after the execution of the aOrgFunc.
you must add a result argument at the last argument of the aAtferExec function if you wanna get the result value of the aOrgFunc.
you must add a isDenied argument following the result argument if you wanna know whether the aOrgFunc is executed.
you must return the result if you wanna modify the result value of the aOrgFunc .
@Usage Obj.prototype.Method = Inject(Obj.prototype.Method, aFunctionBeforeExec[, aFunctionAtferExec]);
@version 1.1
@author Aimingoo&Riceball
V1.0 -- fiest released.
V1.1 --
Supports to denie the aOrgFunc execution in aBeforeExec.
Supports around in the aAtferExec, the aAtferExec be always executed even though denie the aOrgFunc execution in aBeforeExec.
+ isDenied argument to the aAtferExec function. notice the aAtferExec whether the aOrgFunc is executed
var doTest = function (a) {return a};
function beforeTest(a) { alert('before exec: a='+a); a += 3; return new Arguments(arguments);};
function afterTest(a, result, isDenied) { alert('after exec: a='+a+'; result='+result+';isDenied='+isDenied); return result+5;};
doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
alert (doTest(2));
the result should be 10.
function Arguments(args) {
//convert arguments object to array
this.value = [].slice.call(args);
function Inject( aOrgFunc, aBeforeExec, aAtferExec ) {
return function() {
var Result, isDenied=false, args=[].slice.call(arguments);
if (typeof(aBeforeExec) == 'function') {
Result = aBeforeExec.apply(this, args);
if (Result instanceof Arguments) //(Result.constructor === Arguments)
args = Result.value;
else if (isDenied = Result !== undefined)
!isDenied && args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args)); //if (!isDenied) args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args));
if (typeof(aAtferExec) == 'function')
Result = aAtferExec.apply(this, args.concat(isDenied));
Result = undefined;
return (Result !== undefined ? Result : args.pop());