lc 746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs [746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs][1] On a staircase, the step has some non negative cost assigned (0 indexed). Once you p 阅读全文
lc 684 Redundant Connection [684 Redundant Connection][1] In this problem, a tree is an undirected graph that is connected and has no cycles. The give 阅读全文
lc 730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences [730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences][1] Given a string S, find the number of different non e 阅读全文
lc 516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence [516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence][1] Given a string s, find the longest palindromic subsequence's length in 阅读全文
lc 215 Kth Largest Element in an Array [215 Kth Largest Element in an Array][1] Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the 阅读全文
证明碰撞集问题(Hitting Set)是NP complete Problem In the HITTING SET problem, we are given a family of sets and a budget b, and we wish to find a set H of whic 阅读全文
lc 733 Flood Fill [733 Flood Fill][1] An is represented by a 2 D array of integers, each integer representing the pixel value of the image (from 0 to 阅读全文
lc 494 Target Sum [494 Target Sum][1] You are given a list of non negative integers, a1, a2, ..., an, and a target, S. Now you have 2 symbols + and . 阅读全文
lc 416 Partition Equal Subset Sum [416 Partition Equal Subset Sum][1] Given a non empty array containing only positive integers , find if the array ca 阅读全文
lc 486 Predict the Winner [486 Predict the Winner][1] Given an array of scores that are non negative integers. Player 1 picks one of the numbers from 阅读全文