FSDK_ActivateLibrary Function

FSDK_ActivateLibrary Function

Activates the FaceSDK library.

C++ Syntax:

int FSDK_ActivateLibrary(char* LicenseKey);

Delphi Syntax:

function FSDK_ActivateLibrary(LicenseKey: PChar): integer;

C# Syntax:

int FSDK.ActivateLibrary(out string  LicenseKey);

VB Syntax:

Function FSDKVB_ActivateLibrary(ByVal LicenseKey As String) As


Java and Android Syntax:

int FSDK.ActivateLibrary(String LicenseKey);


LicenseKey– License key you received from Luxand, Inc.

Return Value:

Returns FSDKE_OK if the registration key is valid and not expired.

posted @ 2017-03-24 15:28  青芳  阅读(428)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报