--1、设置活动专题状态:columntype 2:活动专题且没过期 3:活动专题且但过期;
use 数据库名
create table #tempTable(id int,thematicId int )
insert into #tempTable
select A.id ,B.thematicId from t_blog A join t_user_link B on 'http://www.***.com/blog/'+cast(A.id as varchar)=B.url and B.recommender<>'' and B.recommender is not null
update t_blog set thematicPublicId =#tempTable.thematicId from #tempTable where t_blog.id =#tempTable.id
select * from #tempTable
drop table #tempTable
create table #tempTable(id int,thematicId int )
insert into #tempTable
select A.id ,B.thematicId from t_blog A join t_user_link B on 'http://www.***.com/blog/'+cast(A.id as varchar)=B.url and B.recommender<>'' and B.recommender is not null
update t_blog set thematicPublicId =#tempTable.thematicId from #tempTable where t_blog.id =#tempTable.id
select * from #tempTable
drop table #tempTable