avr studio 5 和avr studio其他版本的下载地址
avr studio 5 和avr studio其他版本的下载地址
1 avr studio 5 的下载地址:
avr studion 5下载有600多兆,完全安装后1个多G,需要.net 4.0支持,安装包中集成GCCAVR工具链,麻烦的是支持的仿真器少。
2 AVR Studio 4.16 (build 628) (126 MB, updated 2/09)
AVR Studio 4.16 includes new device support and numerous overall enhancements;
AVR QTouch Studio, STK600 support for multiple socket/routing card combinations, Windows Error Reporting (WER) system activated, and JTAGICE mkII command line SW support for XMEGA device family.
3 AVR Studio 4.15 (build 623) (94 MB, updated 11/08)
AVR Studio 4.15 includes new device support and numerous overall enhancements;
Support for the new AVR ONE! on-chip debugging and programming tool. Introducing Live debug that enables you to attach/detach to running processes (AVR ONE! feature only). AVR Battery Studio v1.0. Front-end to the SB200/201 Single and dual cell Smart Battery kit.
4 AVR Studio 4.14 (build 589) (89 MB, updated 4/08)
AVR Studio 4.14 includes new device support and numerous overall enhancements;
Support for the new XMEGA device family, full support for 32-bit and 64 bit versions of Vista, AVR Wireless Services application supporting the AVR Raven Kit
See release notes for more details.