什么是野指针?(What is a wild pointer?)

未被初始化的变量称为野指针(wild pointer)。顾名思义,我们不知道这个指针指向内存中的什么地址,使用不当程序会产生各种各样的问题。


int main()
    int *p;  // wild pointer, some unknown memory location is pointed
    *p = 12; // Some unknown memory location is being changed
    // This should never be done.


int main()
    int  *p; // wild pointer, some unknown memory is pointed
    int a = 10;
    p = &a;  // p is not a wild pointer now, since we know where p is pointing
    *p = 12; // This is fine. Value of a is changed


int main()
    //malloc returns NULL if no free memory was found
    int *p = malloc(sizeof(int));
    //now we should check if memory was allocated or not
    if(p != NULL)
        *p = 12; // This is fine (because malloc doesn't return NULL)
        printf("MEMORY LIMIT REACHED");
posted @ 2015-08-11 15:49  programnote  阅读(828)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报