Solaris 10 添加裸设备


1 #devfsadm  #对新加设备进行在线识别和加载


  1 --显示磁盘的编号列表
  2 # format
  3 Searching for disks...done
  7        0. c1t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1302 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
  8           /pci@0,0/pci15ad,1976@10/sd@0,0
  9        1. c2t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1020 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32>
 10           /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@2/sd@0,0
 11        2. c2t1d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1020 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32>
 12           /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@2/sd@1,0
 13        3. c2t2d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1021 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32>
 14           /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@2/sd@2,0
 15        4. c2t3d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1021 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32>
 16           /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@2/sd@3,0
 18              --0. c1t0d0 代表一块磁盘(至于c0t0d0的具体含义,稍后会介绍)
 19              --<DEFAULT cyl 1021 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32>  代表的是这个硬盘的大小和柱面信息
 20              --/pci@0,0/pci15ad,1976@10/sd@0,0         代表的是这个硬盘的实际物理地址
 22 --选择新添加磁盘
 23 Specify disk (enter its number): 3 
 24 selecting c2t2d0
 25 [disk formatted]                   --说明c2t2d0磁盘已经被格式化
 29         disk       - select a disk
 30         type       - select (define) a disk type
 31         partition  - select (define) a partition table
 32         current    - describe the current disk
 33         format     - format and analyze the disk
 34         fdisk      - run the fdisk program
 35         repair     - repair a defective sector
 36         label      - write label to the disk
 37         analyze    - surface analysis
 38         defect     - defect list management
 39         backup     - search for backup labels
 40         verify     - read and display labels
 41         save       - save new disk/partition definitions
 42         inquiry    - show vendor, product and revision
 43         volname    - set 8-character volume name
 44         !<cmd>     - execute <cmd>, then return
 45         quit   
 46 --创建Solaris fdisk 分区 --create a fdisk partition for Solaris software  
 47 --通过在提示符下指定 y,创建并激活跨整个磁盘的 Solaris fdisk 分区
 48 --所显示的 fdisk 菜单取决于磁盘是否存在现有 fdisk 分区     
 49 format>fdisk   
 50 No fdisk table exists. The default partition for the disk is:
 52   a 100% "SOLARIS System" partition
 54 Type "y" to accept the default partition,  otherwise type "n" to edit the
 55  partition table.
 56 y
 58 --创建和修改分片--Create and modify slices
 59 format> partition
 62         0      - change `0' partition
 63         1      - change `1' partition
 64         2      - change `2' partition
 65         3      - change `3' partition
 66         4      - change `4' partition
 67         5      - change `5' partition
 68         6      - change `6' partition
 69         7      - change `7' partition
 70         select - select a predefined table
 71         modify - modify a predefined partition table
 72         name   - name the current table
 73         print  - display the current table
 74         label  - write partition map and label to the disk
 75         !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return
 76         quit
 77 ---显示当前分区表-- VTOC-Solaris fdisk 分区被分成 10 个分片,编号为 09
 78 partition> print
 79 Current partition table (original):
 80 Total disk cylinders available: 1020 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
 82 Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders        Size            Blocks
 83   0 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 84   1 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 85   2     backup    wu       0 - 1019        1.99GB    (1020/0/0) 4177920
 86   3 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 87   4 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 88   5 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 89   6 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 90   7 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 91   8       boot    wu       0 -    0        2.00MB    (1/0/0)       4096
 92   9 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
 94 注 疑问? partition时, - change `n' partition 只到7,即0-7个partition。可print时,part却是9个
 96 --- 修改分片 0
 97 partition> 0
 98 Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders        Size            Blocks
 99   0 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
101 Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:   --标识标记
102 Enter partition permission flags[wm]:  --权限标志
103 Enter new starting cyl[0]: 0           --起始柱面
104 Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 0e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 15mb  --大小
105 partition>      
107 --- 修改分片 1
108 partition> print (查看0分片的占用柱面)
109 Current partition table (unnamed):
110 Total disk cylinders available: 1020 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
112 Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders        Size            Blocks
113   0 unassigned    wm       0 -    7       16.00MB    (8/0/0)      32768
114   1 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
115   2     backup    wu       0 - 1019        1.99GB    (1020/0/0) 4177920
116   3 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
117   4 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
118   5 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
119   6 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
120   7 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
121   8       boot    wu       0 -    0        2.00MB    (1/0/0)       4096
122   9 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
124 partition> 1
125 Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders        Size            Blocks
126   1 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)          0
128 Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:   --标识标记
129 Enter partition permission flags[wm]: --权限标志
130 Enter new starting cyl[0]: 8 --0分区以柱面7结尾,1分区则以8为起点
131 Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 8e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 1.95gb  --分片1主要用于存储
132 partition> 
133 --- 为当前分区表指定名称
134 partition> name
135 Enter table name (remember quotes): physic3
137 --- 将分区映射和标签写入当前磁盘138 
139 partition> label
140 Ready to label disk, continue? y
142 partition>
144 --- 退出partition
145 partition> quit
147 --- VTOC-保存新的磁盘和分区信息。
148 format> save
149 Saving new disk and partition definitions
150 Enter file name["./format.dat"]: /etc/format.dat
151 format> 

3 查看添加的slice的信息




--*T代表目标编号。 即分配给每个存储设备的一个唯一的硬件地址。

--*D代表磁盘编号。 这个数字反映的是目标位置上的磁盘号,即具体的磁盘

--*S代表分片编号。 通常从0~7,即分片的号码了

3.2 查看/dev/dsk/c2t2d0s1 (分区中,添加的主存储分片为1)

 1 #  prtvtoc /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s1
 2 * /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s1 partition map
 3 *
 4 * Dimensions:
 5 *     512 bytes/sector
 6 *      32 sectors/track
 7 *     128 tracks/cylinder
 8 *    4096 sectors/cylinder
 9 *    1022 cylinders
10 *    1020 accessible cylinders
11 *
12 * Flags:
13 *   1: unmountable
14 *  10: read-only
15 *
16 * Unallocated space:
17 *       First     Sector    Last
18 *       Sector     Count    Sector 
19 *     4128768     49152   4177919
20 *
21 *                          First     Sector    Last
22 * Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
23        0      0    00          0     32768     32767
24        1      0    00      32768   4091904   4124671
25        2      5    01          0   4177920   4177919
26        8      1    01          0      4096      4095
27 # 




posted @ 2013-04-20 19:43  PoleStar  阅读(1321)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报