很久没写东西了,寒假比较低效,几乎没写代码。只在慕课网上刷完了linux系列课程,现在用linux熟了很多以及看了大部分《鸟叔-linux服务器架设》那本书,虽然对于写代码并没有什么卵用,但是真的感觉对于网络逻辑传输的硬件软件都有了个很爽的认识。还有又刷了次廖大神的python教程发现比以前多了很多内容。近几天在看一本叫《Data Structures and Algorithms with Python》的书,争取的是每天上午看一章,觉得写的挺好的,刚看到第四章,感觉对于python的理解又深入了一些,准备等看完了再写的总结。
记得刚开始学python时看别人说flask用来入门最好,买了本《Flask Web开发:基于Python的Web应用开发实战》,当时硬是看不懂啊,各种什么蓝图什么的直接就来了。
1 def conclos(**kwargs): #定义带参装饰器,可用于输入具体链接数据库的参数,见21行 2 def ifunc(func): 3 def infunc(sql): 4 conn = MySQLdb.Connect( 5 host=kwargs['host'], 6 port = kwargs['port'], 7 user = kwargs['user'], 8 passwd = kwargs['passwd'], 9 db = kwargs['db'], 10 charset = kwargs['charset'], 11 ) 12 cursor = conn.cursor() 13 result = func(cursor,sql) 14 conn.commit() 15 cursor.close() 16 conn.close() 17 return result 18 return infunc 19 return ifunc 20 21 @conclos(host='',port = 3306,user = 'root',passwd = 'punkisdead',db = 'flasktry',charset = 'utf8',) 22 def exe(cursor,sql): 23 cursor.execute(sql) 24 outcatch = cursor.fetchall() 25 return outcatch #此返回值为[(第一条记录),(第二条纪录)...],后面再做处理就是了
1 def getcontent(page='1', sql = 'select * from article'): 2 conn,cursor=connectdb() 3 cursor.execute(sql) 4 result = cursor.fetchall() 5 if len(result)%3 == 0: 6 pagenum = len(result)/3 7 else: 8 pagenum = len(result)/3 + 1 9 pagenum = range(1,pagenum+1) 10 nav = [] 11 article = [] 12 result = result[ int(page)*3-3 : int(page)*3] 13 for ele in result: 14 nav.append(ele[3]) 15 article.append((ele[0],ele[2])) 16 cursor.close() 17 conn.close() 18 return page,pagenum,nav,article
只需在login与signup视图函数中成功后设置session['name'] = request.form['name']
if 'name' in session:
name = session['name']
1 # -*- coding:utf8 -*- 2 #encoding = utf-8 3 from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, session 4 import MySQLdb 5 6 7 app = Flask(__name__) 8 9 def connectdb(): 10 conn = MySQLdb.Connect( 11 host='', 12 port = 3306, 13 user = 'root', 14 passwd = 'punkisdead', 15 db = 'flasktry', 16 charset = 'utf8', 17 ) 18 cursor = conn.cursor() 19 return conn, cursor 20 21 def getcontent(page='1', sql = 'select * from article'): 22 conn,cursor=connectdb() 23 cursor.execute(sql) 24 result = cursor.fetchall() 25 if len(result)%3 == 0: 26 pagenum = len(result)/3 27 else: 28 pagenum = len(result)/3 + 1 29 pagenum = range(1,pagenum+1) 30 # pageremain = len(result)%3 31 nav = [] 32 article = [] 33 result = result[ int(page)*3-3 : int(page)*3] 34 for ele in result: 35 nav.append(ele[3]) 36 article.append((ele[0],ele[2])) 37 nav = set(nav) 38 cursor.close() 39 conn.close() 40 return page,pagenum,nav,article 41 42 43 @app.route('/<page>') 44 def index(page): 45 if 'name' in session: 46 name = session['name'] 47 page,pagenum,nav,article = getcontent(page=page) 48 return render_template('index.html',**locals()) 49 50 @app.route('/article/<title>') 51 def article(title): 52 print title 53 if 'name' in session: 54 name = session['name'] 55 conn,cursor = connectdb() 56 search = "select * from article WHERE title = '%s'"%title 57 cursor.execute(search) 58 result = cursor.fetchone() 59 cursor.close() 60 conn.close() 61 getxititle = result[0] 62 getxicontent = result[2] 63 return render_template('article.html',**locals()) 64 65 @app.route('/login/', methods=['POST','GET']) 66 def login(): 67 if request.method=='POST': 68 conn,cursor = connectdb() 69 search = "select passwd from User WHERE NAME = '%s'"%request.form['name'] 70 cursor.execute(search) 71 result = cursor.fetchone() 72 if request.form['passwd'] == result[0]: 73 cursor.close() 74 conn.close() 75 session['name'] = request.form['name'] 76 # name=request.form['name'] 77 # page,pagenum,nav,article=getcontent(1) 78 # return render_template('index.html',**locals()) 79 return redirect(url_for('index', page = '1')) 80 # return render_template('index.html',name=request.form['name']) 81 else: 82 return render_template('login.html',info = 'wrong name or password') 83 return render_template('login.html') 84 85 @app.route('/signup/', methods=['POST','GET']) 86 def signup(): 87 if request.method=='POST': 88 conn,cursor = connectdb() 89 insert = "insert into User VALUES('%s','%s')"%(request.form['name'],request.form['passwd']) 90 cursor.execute(insert) 91 conn.commit() 92 cursor.close() 93 conn.close() 94 session['name'] = request.form['name'] 95 # name=request.form['name'] 96 # page,pagenum,nav,article=getcontent(1) 97 # return render_template('index.html',**locals()) 98 return redirect(url_for('index', page = '1')) 99 return render_template('signup.html') 100 101 if __name__ == '__main__': 102 app.secret_key = 'A0Zr98j/3yX R~XHH!jmN]LWX/,?RT' 103 app.run(debug=True) 104 105 106 # @app.route('/') 107 # def hello_world(): 108 # conn,cursor=connectdb() 109 # cursor.execute('select * from article') 110 # result = cursor.fetchall() 111 # nav = [] 112 # article = [] 113 # for ele in result: 114 # nav.append(ele[3]) 115 # article.append((ele[0],ele[2])) 116 # return render_template('index.html',**locals())
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <link href= {{ url_for('static', filename='style.css')}} rel="stylesheet"> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <div class="center sign"> 9 {% if name %} 10 <span class="rs"> 来了啊,{{ name }}</span> 11 {% endif %} 12 {% if not name %} 13 <span class='rs'><a href="/login/">登陆</a></span> 14 <span class='rs'><a href="/signup/">注册</a></span> 15 {% endif %} 16 </div> 17 <div class="cl"></div> 18 <div class="abcenter"> 19 <img src = {{ url_for('static', filename='orpic.jpg')}} id="pic" width='146' height="163"> 20 </div> 21 <div class="abcenter nav"> 22 {% for i in nav %} 23 <span>{{ i }}</span> 24 {% endfor %} 25 </div> 26 <div class="ablittlecenter"> 27 {% for title,content in article %} 28 <div id = 'title'> 29 <a href="article/{{ title }}" style="color:black; text-decoration:none;"><span><b>{{ title }}</b></span></a> 30 </div> 31 <div> 32 <p> 33 {{ content}} 34 </p> 35 </div> 36 {% endfor %} 37 38 </div> 39 <div class="abcenter page"> 40 {% for num in pagenum %} 41 <a href={{ num }} class='rs'><button type="button">{{ num }}</button></a> 42 {% endfor %} 43 </div> 44 <div class="abcenter contra"> 45 <span>邮箱:billiepander@126.com</span> 46 </div> 47 </body> 48 </html>
1 *{ margin:0 } 2 .l{ float:left } 3 .rs{ float:right } 4 .cl{ clear:both } 5 .abcenter{ width:960px;margin:0 auto; text-align:center} 6 .ablittlecenter{ width:860px;margin:0 auto; text-align:center} 7 .ablittlecenterarticle{ width:860px;margin:0 auto; text-align:center} 8 .center{ width:960px; margin:0 auto;} 9 .sign span{ margin-right:10px} 10 #pic{ width:146px; height:146px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden } 11 .nav{ background-color:grey; font-size:25px } 12 .ablittlecenter p{ height:76px; overflow:hidden } 13 .ablittlecenterarticle p{ height:450px; overflow:auto } 14 #title{ font-size:24px; margin:15px 0px} 15 .page{padding-top: 80px;} 16 .contra{ position:absolute; margin-left:300px; bottom:0px; background-color:grey;}