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Archive for the ‘Tracking & Analytics’ category

How To Setup Conversion Tracking In Microsoft adCenter

November 4th, 2010

Microsoft adCenter Conversion Tracking

Now that Microsoft adCenter is powering ads for both and, it is extremely important to make sure you are tracking your campaigns properly. Here is a quick guide on how to set up revenue and conversion tracking for Microsoft adCenter.

Step 1 – Turn On Conversion Tracking

In adCenter, conversion tracking must be turned on for each individual campaign. You can do this by navigation to your campaign and clicking on the “Change Settings” link. In the top right corner of this page you will find a check box to Track Conversions. Check this box.

If you just want to track the number of conversions, you can click the link to “show code” and paste it into your order confirmation page. If you want to track revenue too, then you’ll want to follow the next steps.

Step 2 – Revenue Tracking

In order to track the revenue generated from orders originating from adCenter, we will need to set up custom code. Start by clicking on the “Open Campaign Analytics Tool”. This will bring you to the Campaign Analytics section of adCenter. The next step will be to set up a goal by clicking “Create Goal”.

It will bring you to a simple form that you will need to fill out. Most of the form is self-explanatory. Just make sure you select “Variable” under the “Revenue to track” option.

Once you fill out the form, click “Save and generate code”. Copy and past the code and…

Step 3 – Inserting Revenue Variable

At this point you should have code that looks kind of like this:

<script type="text/javascript">if (!window.mstag) mstag = {loadTag : function(){},time : (new Date()).getTime()};</script>
<script id="mstag_tops" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> mstag.loadTag("analytics", {dedup:"1",domainId:"XXXXXX",type:"1",revenue:"",actionid:"XXXXX"})</script> <noscript> <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="1" height="1" style="visibility:hidden; display:none"> </iframe> </noscript>

At this point you need to generate the order total from your eCommerce system and pass the variable in the two places it says revenue. Here is an example, look at the word revenue on lines 3 and 4.

<script type="text/javascript">if (!window.mstag) mstag = {loadTag : function(){},time : (new Date()).getTime()};</script>
<script id="mstag_tops" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> mstag.loadTag("analytics", {dedup:"1",domainId:"XXXXXX",type:"1",revenue:"1234.56",actionid:"XXXXX"})</script> <noscript> <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="1" height="1" style="visibility:hidden; display:none"> </iframe> </noscript>

Your final code should look something like the code directly above. You can paste this code into your order confirmation page.

NOTE: Don’t copy and paste this as it won’t work, because I removed all the IDs that adCenter uses to identify which account this is for.

How To Use Day Parting To Trim Wasteful Spend In AdWords

December 30th, 2009

Simple logic would dictate that if someone searched for your keywords, show them an ad. Sometimes hard facts are completely different from what you would expect. In most AdWords accounts that I have dealt with, I have seen much lower conversion rates and revenue in between the hours of 2AM and 7AM. Here’s how to check if this is the case on your eCommerce site with Google Analytics.

How Do I Check?

In Google Analytics, go to Ecommerce –> Conversion Rate. Select a 3 month date range, last 90 days is the best. The click on the little clock icon where it says “Graph By”. This will segment your conversion rate for the last 90 days by hour of the day. You should see two charts like this sample below.

Conversion Rate By Hour, Click To Enlarge

Conversion Rate By Hour, Click To Enlarge

If your chart is anything like this one, you will see that specific hours of the day perform better than others. This means that your cost per acquisition will likely be higher during those times.

What Do I Do?

There are two possible solutions to help minimize wasteful spend during these hours.

Option A — Lower Bids

The first basic option, is to lower your bids in each campaign during these hours. You can do this by going to Campaign Settings –> Advanced Settings –>Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling. It will pop up a window where you can set hours and percentages of your regular bids. (Click on Mode: Bid adjustment.)

Option B –Pause Ads

The second basic option, is to pause your campaigns automatically during these hours. You can do this by going to Campaign Settings –> Advanced Settings –>Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling. It will pop up a window where you can set which hours you would like your ads to run. (Click on Mode: Basic.)

Bottom Line

Make sure that you are getting the most out of your advertising spend. Every little trick can help. Another thing you can do is to set your campaigns to use Accelerated Ad Delivery to display your ad every time someone searches for your keywords during the correct hours.

How To Track Magento eCommerce Sales In Google Anayltics

December 9th, 2009

In a previous post we covered how to set up 3rd party tracking pixels in Magento. Setting up Google Analytics eCommerce tracking is much easier. There are two steps to this process:

Magento Configuration

In Magento, navigate to System –> Configuration –> Google API –> Google Analytics. Select “Enabled” and enter your Google Analytics account number. (The account number can be found when you login to Google Analytics on the main page, right next to the site URL.


Google Analytics Configuration

In Google Analytics, navigate to Analytics Settings –> Profile Settings –> Main Website Profile Information. Set “eCommerce Website” to “Yes, an E-Commerce Site”. This will track orders, total order amount, products ordered and quantity. It will also allow you to break down revenue by geographic location.


Bottom Line

eCommerce Tracking is very simple to set up in Magento. You may as well take advantage of it.

Read how to track eCommerce sales in Google Analytics on other platforms. You can also track Site Search behavior in Google Analytics.

How To Setup Conversion Tracking In Magento

December 2nd, 2009

3rd Party Conversion Tracking

Magento Commerce has the ability to track eCommerce sale with Google Analytics out of the box (more on that in a future post). Something that a lot of merchants struggle with is how to set up conversion tracking for other tracking software or comparison shopping engines.


How To

Here is an easy hack to track conversions for Shopzilla, PriceGrabber and the likes:

Open the file: app\design\frontend\XXXX\XXXX\template\checkout\success.phtml

At the end of the file, add the following code, this will create two variables with the order number and the order total:

    //Get Order Number & Order Total
    $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId());
    $amount = number_format($order->getGrandTotal(),2);

After the above code snippet, copy and paste the tracking code from the third party analytics software of comparison shopping engine. Insert the following variable where they suggest placing the order ID and the order total:

<?php echo $amount; ?> // Order Total
<?php echo $this->getOrderId() ?> // Order Number

Here is a code example for the Shopzilla conversion tracking tool:

<script language="javascript">
    var mid            = 'XXXXX'; // Your Shopzilla Merchant ID
    var cust_type      = '';
    var order_value    = '<?php echo $amount; ?>'; // Order Amount
    var order_id       = '<?php echo $this->getOrderId() ?>'; //Order Number
    var units_ordered  = '';
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Image Credit: Search Engine Journal

Track Your Site Search Behavior With Google Analytics

October 1st, 2009

A common feature that a lot of users miss is Google Analytics’ ability to track your site search queries. It’s very simple to enable, here’s how.

  1. Under Settings –> General Settings there is a section called “Site Search”
  2. Check the radio button that says “Do Track Site Search”
  3. Enter Search Query URL Parameter
    (Example: Search Google for “apple” and it gives you the following URL: — “q” would be the Search Query Parameter)

Google Analytics Site Search Configuration Example

That’s it, your done. You can now go to View Reports –> Content –> Site Search to see reporting once the data starts to collect.

How To Test Google AdWords Keyword Positions In Analytics

August 26th, 2009

Monopoly E-Commerce

Will your ad perform better on the top spot on the left or on the right? Sixth one up from the bottom?

When you link your Google AdWords and Google Analytics accounts, it will track performance of your ads with a lot of detail. One of the things it tracks, is performance by ad position.

Go to Traffic Sources » AdWords » Keyword Positions

In this report you can see all the familiar information such as impressions, clicks, CTR etc… The great thing about this report is the ability to segment by keyword and ad position. If you have Conversion Goals and E-Commerce Tracking set up you can see sales and revenue by ad position as well.

How Do I Know?

You will need to test your ad in a few positions for a couple of weeks each. Make sure you have enough representative data and then run the Ad Position report and see what has performed better.

Image Credit: danielbroche

Track Sales With Google Analytics E-Commerce Tracking

August 4th, 2009

Google Analytics is a very powerful and free tool. It’s as good (if not better) than some of the enterprise tracking tools out there.

Standard Tracking

The standard Google Analytics tracking pixel will get you all the basic data such as visitors, page views, referring source and keywords. This is essential for any website, especially an online retailer.

You can get the code for this sample Google Analytics standard tracking pixel from Analytics Settings > Profile Settings > Check Status (top right), or copy from here and replace the UA-XXXXXXX-XX with the ID from your account on the same page.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
    try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

Setup Conversion Goals

The next thing you’ll want to do is set up conversion goals. For an ecommerce site, the primary goal will be a customer’s purchase. However, you can set up additional goals like customers who used the contact form or signed up for your newsletter or mailing list.

You can set up a Goal under Analytics Settings Profile Settings Goal Settings. In the first section fill out the requested fields as follows (see screenshot below):

  • Active Goal — Yes
  • Match Type — Generally use Head Match
  • Goal URL — For the goal page “” enter “/thankyou.html”
  • Goal Name — This can be anything you choose
  • Case Sensitive — Better leave unchecked unless you know what you’re doing
  • Goal Value — If your goal has a set price, enter it here. Otherwise, leave it at 0.0.

Google Analytics -- Goal Set Up Section 1

In the next section, you will need to outline the pages that a consumer must go through to place an order. I have used the page names from Magento Commerce as an example. The first step will generally be required, the best place to start will be your shopping cart page. You can assign any name to these pages.


Google Analytics -- Goal Set Up Section 2

In Google Analytics, there is a section with many reports on your goal funnel. you can see your conversion rate as well as a Funnel Visualization. This will also help you see where people are dropping out of you checkout flow.

E-Commerce Tracking

Tracking your sales is by far the most important part of this guide. Without knowing where to attribute your sales you won’t know where your ad spend is being effective and where you you are losing your pants. Google Analytics’ ecommerce tracking allows you to track data such as purchase quantity, items ordered, product category, sale referring source and much more.

Here is a sample Google Analytics ecommerce tracking pixel. Note the comments in the JavaScript code. There are two parts, one for the order info (order number, total, city, state zip etc…) and one for the product information (model, description, quantity, price etc…) — the second part must be looped once for each item in the order. Ahain, make sure to replace “UA-XXXXXXX-X” with your ID.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
    try {
    var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X");
    // Main Order Info //
        "1234",         // Order ID
        "Mountain View",        // Affiliation
        "11.99",        // Total
        "1.29",         // Tax
        "5",        // Shipping
        "San Jose",         // City
        "California",       // State
        "USA"       // Country
    // Loop Once Per Item //
        "1234",         // Order ID
        "DD44",         // SKU
        "T-Shirt",      // Product Name
        "Green Medium",         // Category
        "11.99",        // Price
        "1"         // Quantity
    } catch(err) {}

Note: One limitation of most analytical software is the inability to track phone sales.

How To Track Your Phone Sales By Referring Source

July 30th, 2009

Old Telephone

Anyone who runs an ecommerce business will tell you that it extremely hard to track where their phone sales are coming from. Some online retailers have upwards of 35% of their sales coming in over the phone. How do you keep track os these sales from an advertising perspective? What campaigns/keywords are not performing well? Here are two ways to track telephone sales properly.

Multiple Phone Numbers

High Level Tracking

The easy way to track phone sales on a high level is to get multiple phone numbers and set you website to display a different phone number based on the refering source. For example if  someone came from Google, show them one number — when someone come sfrom Yahoo, show another number etc… Now everytime someone calls you know where they originally came from.

Depending on your phone system, you should be able to display which line the calls come in from and then have your sales people enter a referring source into your system as they put the order through for the customer. As your system aggregates this info, you will know what your ROI is. Keep in mind that this can get as granular as you’d like, but it will be a pain to manage this for very many keywords/phone numbers. This solution works best at a very high level of tracking.

Tracking ID

Granular Tracking

If you have an in-house developer and would like more granular tracking, this is for you. Every time a unique visitor comes to your site generate a unique session ID and store their referring source in your database. You will then want to display this session ID on all pages of your site. The ID number should be short and easy to tell your sales representative over the phone.

When your sales reps take an order over the phone they should ask the customer to read them the session ID (call it Phone Tracking ID or something easy) which they will then input into your system with the order. Once your sales screen has this number it should mimic the customers cookie and send the relevant order info to your tracking pixels. When it does this, the customers original referring source as well as keywords or any other data that you track with the session ID will pass through and your will be able to see your ROI on a very granular level.

Bottom Line

If you just want tracking by channel or have very few campaigns, the first option is easy to set up and will work well for you. If you like granular data and have the development resources to go crazy, go for the second option.

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posted @ 2011-09-07 10:25  Alex秦  阅读(425)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报