[导入]ASP常用函数:LFill() RFill()


Public Function LFill(ByVal sString, ByVal sStr)
Dim i, iStrLen : iStrLen = Len(sStr&"")
For i = iStrLen To 1 Step -1
If Right(sStr, i ) = Left(sString, i ) Then Exit For
LFill = Left(sStr, iStrLen - i) & sString
End Function


Public Function RFill(ByVal sString, ByVal sStr)
Dim i, iStrLen : iStrLen = Len(sStr&"")
For i = iStrLen To 1 Step -1
If Left(sStr, i) = Right(sString, i) Then Exit For
RFill = sString & Mid(sStr, i + 1)
End Function


posted @ 2008-02-01 10:52  pboy2925  阅读(317)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报