
一年多断断续续利用业余时间做的协作软件截图 (免费下载使用)

最近完成的协作工具,包括Android App(轻应用Native App更新为Cordova Web App过程中),Window通知助手,响应式UI(界面由我自行设计,英文版界面截图更多),Ajax交互,权限系统引擎(可控制到页面元素、路由、Web Api等),消息(基于SingnalR,即时通知推送到Web页面,Winform冒泡窗口,Android手机端);包含及设计器的状态机工作流引擎(和消息一样,可即时推送任务通知到各种终端),个人及共享日历,支持多语言等。再进行一些调整后放出下载,供客户免费使用。




(清晰版)下载http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0B0a4K 打开corporation.swf.html / demo.swf.html进行观看




1. CollabrationWebApplication.zip is web application.
You should set the connectstring of nhibernate.xml first!
2. LogAnalyzer.zip is log analyzer.
You should open System.log at the root directory of the web application to find out
what is the issue occurs. (Log show the Class -> the Method -> the line with pdb file
and exception stack, you can find the bug immediately and report to me)
3. WindowsMonitor.zip is the monitor client of windows OS.
It will popup a dialog when get the message or task.
4. WorkflowDesigner.zip is the designer of the workflow.
You can design the workflow by yourself.
5. AndroidMonitor.zip is the monitor client of android OS.
It will show in notifycation bar of android when get the message or task. (Not upload now, you can ask me to get the apk file)


Free download to use:

Beta Version

posted @ 2014-08-03 16:58  pangxiaoliang[北京]流浪者  阅读(679)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报