



 * Messages                                                                 *

/* All message constants are unique.
 * Messages are grouped according to which DATs they are used with.*/

#define MSG_NULL            0x0000
#define MSG_CUSTOMBASE      0x8000

/* Generic messages may be used with any of several DATs.                   */
#define MSG_GET             0x0001
#define MSG_GETCURRENT      0x0002
#define MSG_GETDEFAULT      0x0003
#define MSG_GETFIRST        0x0004
#define MSG_GETNEXT         0x0005
#define MSG_SET             0x0006
#define MSG_RESET           0x0007
#define MSG_QUERYSUPPORT    0x0008
#define MSG_GETHELP         0x0009
#define MSG_GETLABEL        0x000a
#define MSG_GETLABELENUM    0x000b
#define MSG_SETCONSTRAINT   0x000c

/* Messages used with DAT_NULL                                              */
#define MSG_XFERREADY    0x0101
#define MSG_CLOSEDSREQ   0x0102
#define MSG_CLOSEDSOK    0x0103
#define MSG_DEVICEEVENT  0X0104

/* Messages used with a pointer to DAT_PARENT data                          */
#define MSG_OPENDSM      0x0301
#define MSG_CLOSEDSM     0x0302

/* Messages used with a pointer to a DAT_IDENTITY structure                 */
#define MSG_OPENDS       0x0401
#define MSG_CLOSEDS      0x0402
#define MSG_USERSELECT   0x0403

/* Messages used with a pointer to a DAT_USERINTERFACE structure            */
#define MSG_DISABLEDS    0x0501
#define MSG_ENABLEDS     0x0502
#define MSG_ENABLEDSUIONLY  0x0503

/* Messages used with a pointer to a DAT_EVENT structure                    */
#define MSG_PROCESSEVENT 0x0601

/* Messages used with a pointer to a DAT_PENDINGXFERS structure             */
#define MSG_ENDXFER      0x0701
#define MSG_STOPFEEDER   0x0702

/* Messages used with a pointer to a DAT_FILESYSTEM structure               */
#define MSG_CHANGEDIRECTORY   0x0801
#define MSG_CREATEDIRECTORY   0x0802
#define MSG_DELETE            0x0803
#define MSG_FORMATMEDIA       0x0804
#define MSG_GETCLOSE          0x0805
#define MSG_GETFIRSTFILE      0x0806
#define MSG_GETINFO           0x0807
#define MSG_GETNEXTFILE       0x0808
#define MSG_RENAME            0x0809
#define MSG_COPY              0x080A

/* Messages used with a pointer to a DAT_PASSTHRU structure                 */
#define MSG_PASSTHRU          0x0901

/* used with DAT_CALLBACK */

/* used with DAT_CAPABILITY */
#define MSG_RESETALL          0x0A01

posted on 2013-03-08 10:16  pamxy  阅读(361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报