

Notification Module

Function CMD ACK
Notification History Count [0x0301] [0x0000] [0x01] [0x0301] [0x0007] [0x02][****]
 Update Context-Aware Notification [0x0302][0x0006][0x00]  
Health Notifications [0x0303][TBD][0x00][TBD]  
Send VIP Contact List to S1 [0x0304][****][0X00][****]  
Query Contacts [0x0305][0x000F][0x01][****] [0x0305][0x000F][0x02][****] 
Incoming Call Notification [0x0306][0x000F][0x0][****]  
SMS Notification [0x0307][****][0x00][****]  
Facebook Notification  [0x0308][****][0x00][****]  
Twitter Notification [0x0309][****][0x00][****]  
Mail Notification [0x030A][****][0x00][****]  
Calendar/Alarm Notification [0x030B][****][0x00][****]  
Automatic SMS Response [0x030C][****][0x00][****]  
Recycling IOS HFP Notifications [0x030D][0x0018][0x00][****]  
Recycling MAP Notifications(TBD) [0x030E][****][0x00][****]  
Recycling IOS ANCS Notifications  [0x030F][****][0x00][****]  


Sensor Module

Function CMD ACK
APP fetch  Activity Data [0x0401][0x0000][0x01] [0x0401][****][0x02] [****]
Band notify APP to fetch [0x0402][0x0000][0x00]  
Start real time mode [0x0403][0x0000][0x00]  
Stop real time mode [0x0404][0x0000][0x00]  
Band send activity data in real time mode [0x0405][****][0x00][****]  


Setting Module

Function CMD ACK
Set the Basic settings of Band [0x0501][****][0x00][****]  
Get the  basic settings of Band [0x0502][****][0x01][****] [0x0502][****][0x02][****]
Set Basic Notifications [0x0503][****][0x00][****]  
Get basic Notifications  Settings [0x0504][****][0x01][****] [0x0504][****][0x02][****]
Factory reset [0x0505][0x0000][0x00]  
Find Phone [0x0506][0x0000][0x00]  
Find Band [0x0507][0x0000][0x00]  


Weather Module

Function CMD ACK
Get weather report [0x0601][0x0000][0x01] [0x0601][0x000D][0x02][****]


Calendar Module

Function CMD ACK
Get Calendar events [0x0701][0x0000][0x01] [0x0701][****][0x02][****]
posted @ 2017-03-28 15:51  阳芳  阅读(625)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报