About Unity3D 4.1.2 (to continue…)

Here are something that need to take care of when you work with Unity3D:

1) It seems Unity3D could could work better with Maya than 3D Max. Expecially when you do normal mapping, mirror models; (material setup is not correct may cause such problem,)

2) Unity Ray trace may ignore those trigger volumes that include the trace line start point;

3) ‘Update’ will execute once per-frame, and ‘FixedUpdate’ will execute with some frequency that not go with frame update;

4) Unity shader provide some random function in the shader, that could provide some with the flexibility to random choose one part of the texture per frame. For some vfx like storm, rain and so on,  you do not need to create serveral animation frames, you just need to create a shader with randomly pick one sub-part of texture;

5) It seems Unity3D prefer to use uniform scale for physics box colliders;

6) Remember to check ‘Shrink to Fit’ option for some dynamic font, especially after you add some new text;

7) Please use ‘GUI texture’ for VFX and Particles, such kind of texture will discard mip-maps compared to ‘Texture’. VFX with mip-maps will cause some problems when run on the real devices like ios or android.

posted @ 2013-09-08 22:50  opencoder  阅读(295)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报