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// aimsCustom.js
// 缺省生成的aimsCustom.js是添加用于定制函数的模版
 *    函数名       addressLocation     
 *    描  述       在地图上显示地址匹配坐标点         
 *   参数说明      x,y:地址匹配坐标点的地图坐标
 *                 name :地址匹配点的地图标识   
 *   返回结果      无    
 *   使用的公共变量 limitRight limitLeft limitTop limitBottom selectPointMargin
 *   aimsMap.js中的
 *   eLeft (Numeric/Dynamic) Current extent left (minimum x-coordinate).
 *      Formerly called left.
 *   eRight (Numeric/Dynamic) Current extent right (maximum x-coordinate).
 *      Formerly called right.
 *   eTop (Numeric/Dynamic) Current extent top (maximum y-coordinate).
 *      Formerly called top.
 *   eBottom (Numeric/Dynamic) Current extent bottom (minimum y-coordinate).
 *      Formerly called bottom.
 *   showGeocode (Boolean/Dynamic) If true, map request will include
 *      command to draw point at geocodeX, geocodeY
 *      with an optional label. Updated by viewer on
 *      response of address match request or
 *      zoomToPoint() function.
 *   geocodeX (Numeric/Dynamic) Geocode point x-coordinate. Updated by
 *      viewer on address match response or
 *      by zoomToPoint().
 *   geocodeY (Numeric/Dynamic) Geocode point y-coordinate. Updated by
 *      viewer on address match response or
 *      by zoomToPoint().
 *   调   用       sendMapXML(aimsXML.js)     
 *   被调用             
function addressLocation(x,y,name){

 var mWMargin = 0;
 var mHMargin = 0;
 mWMargin = Math.abs(limitRight-limitLeft) * (selectPointMargin/10);
 mHMargin = Math.abs(limitTop-limitBottom) * (selectPointMargin/10);
 eLeft = parseFloat(x) - parseFloat(mWMargin);
 eRight = parseFloat(x) + parseFloat(mWMargin);
 eTop = parseFloat(y) + parseFloat(mHMargin);
 eBottom = parseFloat(y) - parseFloat(mHMargin);
 * aimsXML.js
 * send the created xml request to map server
function sendMapXML() {
 // ask for the Main map

 var theText = writeXML();

 if (debugOn==2) alert(msgList[12] + theText);
 *function writeXML()



theReplyIn--String containing returned ArcXML response.

Returned Value:

Passes the ArcXML response to the appropriate function for processing. The key global is XMLMode,which determines which function to call,即设定XMLMode就可以决定processXML(theReplyIn)调用哪个分析response XML的函数。

Calls: appropriate function to parse ArcXML response.

Called by: passXML in dynamic connector-created page in PostFrame on loading.


 全局变量XMLMode的值<1000,由processXML(theReplyIn)调用其默认函数,>1000即用户自定义时,processXML(theReplyIn)调用useCustomFunction()函数。全局变量XMLMode在aimsXML.js中定义(见Customizing ArcIMS: HTML Viewer第308<315>页)。


theReply String containing returned ArcXML response.

Returned Value:

Available for custom processing of returned ArcXML responses. The function processXML will call this function if the value of the global XMLMode is 1,000 or greater.

Uses: XMLMode.

Calls: hideLayer in aimsDHTML.js.

Called by: processXML in aimsXML.js.


posted on 2006-04-15 13:12  胡高扬  阅读(367)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报