2011-10-14 21:08 心中无码 阅读(2743) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Hash链表的应用比较常见,其目的就是为了将不同的值映射到不同的位置,查找的时候直接找到相应的位置,而不需要传统的顺序遍历或是二分查找,从而达到减少查询时间的目的。常规的hash是预定义一定的桶(bucket),规定一个hash函数,然后进行散列。然而Mysql中的hash没有固定的bucket,hash函数也是动态变化的,本文就进行非深入介绍。
typedef struct st_hash { size_t key_offset,key_length; /* Length of key if const length */ size_t blength; ulong records; uint flags; DYNAMIC_ARRAY array; /* Place for hash_keys */ my_hash_get_key get_key; void (*free)(void *); CHARSET_INFO *charset; } HASH;
成员名 | 说明 |
key_offset | hash时key的offset,在不指定hash函数的情况下有意义 |
key_length | key的长度,用于计算key值 |
blength | 非常重要的辅助结构,初始为1,动态变化,用于hash函数计算,这里理解为bucket length(其实不是真实的bucket数) |
records | 实际的记录数 |
flags | 是否允许存在相同的元素,取值为HASH_UNIQUE(1)或者0 |
array | 存储元素的数组 |
get_key | 用户定义的hash函数,可以为NULL |
free | 析构函数,可以为NULL |
charset | 字符集 |
typedef struct st_dynamic_array { uchar *buffer; uint elements,max_element; uint alloc_increment; uint size_of_element; } DYNAMIC_ARRAY;
成员名 | 说明 |
buffer | 一块连续的地址空间,用于存储数据,可以看成一个数组空间 |
elements | 元素个数 |
max_element | 元素个数上限 |
alloc_increment | 当元素达到上限时,即buffer满时,按照alloc_increment进行扩展 |
size_of_element | 每个元素的长度 |
#define my_hash_init(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) \ _my_hash_init(A,0,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) #define my_hash_init2(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) \ _my_hash_init(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) /** @brief Initialize the hash @details Initialize the hash, by defining and giving valid values for its elements. The failure to allocate memory for the hash->array element will not result in a fatal failure. The dynamic array that is part of the hash will allocate memory as required during insertion. @param[in,out] hash The hash that is initialized @param[in] charset The charater set information @param[in] size The hash size @param[in] key_offest The key offset for the hash @param[in] key_length The length of the key used in the hash @param[in] get_key get the key for the hash @param[in] free_element pointer to the function that does cleanup @return inidicates success or failure of initialization @retval 0 success @retval 1 failure */ my_bool _my_hash_init(HASH *hash, uint growth_size, CHARSET_INFO *charset, ulong size, size_t key_offset, size_t key_length, my_hash_get_key get_key, void (*free_element)(void*), uint flags) { DBUG_ENTER("my_hash_init"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("hash: 0x%lx size: %u", (long) hash, (uint) size)); hash->records=0; hash->key_offset=key_offset; hash->key_length=key_length; hash->blength=1; hash->get_key=get_key; hash->free=free_element; hash->flags=flags; hash->charset=charset; DBUG_RETURN(my_init_dynamic_array_ci(&hash->array, sizeof(HASH_LINK), size, growth_size)); }
static inline char* my_hash_key(const HASH *hash, const uchar *record, size_t *length, my_bool first) { if (hash->get_key) return (char*) (*hash->get_key)(record,length,first); *length=hash->key_length; return (char*) record+hash->key_offset; } static uint my_hash_mask(my_hash_value_type hashnr, size_t buffmax, size_t maxlength) { if ((hashnr & (buffmax-1)) < maxlength) return (hashnr & (buffmax-1)); return (hashnr & ((buffmax >> 1) -1)); }
my_hash_key参数 | 说明 |
hash | HASH链表结构 |
record | 带插入的元素的值 |
length | 带插入元素的值长度 |
first | 辅助参数 |
my_hash_mask参数 | 说明 |
hashnr | my_hash_key的计算结果 |
buffmax | hash结构体中的blength |
maxlength | 实际桶的个数 |
你可能要问我怎么有两个?其实这和我们平时使用的差不多,第一个函数my_hash_key是根据我们的值进行Hash Key计算,一般我们在计算后,会对hash key进行一次模运算,以便计算结果在我们的bucket中。即my_hash_key的结果作为my_hash_mask的第一个输入参数。其实到这里都是非常好理解的,唯一让我蛋疼的是my_hash_mask的实现,其计算结果是和第二和第三个参数有关,即Hash结构体中的blength和records有关。动态变化的,我去..
看到这里我迷惑了,我上网经过各种百度,谷歌,终于让我找到了一封Mysql Expert的回信:
Hi! "Yan" == Yan Yu <> writes: Yan> Dear MySQL experts: Yan> Thank you so much for your reply to my previous Qs, they are very Yan> helpful! Yan> Could someone please help me understand function my_hash_insert() Yan> in mysys/ Yan> what are lines 352 -429 trying to achieve? Are they just some Yan> optimization to shuffle existing Yan> hash entries in the table (since the existing hash entries may be in Yan> the wrong slot due to chaining Yan> in the case of hash collision)? The hash algorithm is based on dynamic hashing without empty slots. This means that when you insert a new key, in some cases a small set of old keys needs to be moved to other buckets. This is what the code does. Regards, Monty
红色注释的地方是重点,dynamic hash,原来如此,动态hash,第一次听说,在网上下了个《Dynamic Hash Tables》的论文,下面图解下基本原理。
my_bool my_hash_insert(HASH *info, const uchar *record) { int flag; size_t idx,halfbuff,first_index; my_hash_value_type hash_nr; uchar *UNINIT_VAR(ptr_to_rec),*UNINIT_VAR(ptr_to_rec2); HASH_LINK *data,*empty,*UNINIT_VAR(gpos),*UNINIT_VAR(gpos2),*pos; if (HASH_UNIQUE & info->flags) { uchar *key= (uchar*) my_hash_key(info, record, &idx, 1); if (my_hash_search(info, key, idx)) return(TRUE); /* Duplicate entry */ } flag=0; if (!(empty=(HASH_LINK*) alloc_dynamic(&info->array))) return(TRUE); /* No more memory */ data=dynamic_element(&info->array,0,HASH_LINK*); halfbuff= info->blength >> 1; idx=first_index=info->records-halfbuff; if (idx != info->records) /* If some records */ { do { pos=data+idx; hash_nr=rec_hashnr(info,pos->data); if (flag == 0) /* First loop; Check if ok */ if (my_hash_mask(hash_nr, info->blength, info->records) != first_index) break; if (!(hash_nr & halfbuff)) { /* Key will not move */ if (!(flag & LOWFIND)) { if (flag & HIGHFIND) { flag=LOWFIND | HIGHFIND; /* key shall be moved to the current empty position */ gpos=empty; ptr_to_rec=pos->data; empty=pos; /* This place is now free */ } else { flag=LOWFIND | LOWUSED; /* key isn't changed */ gpos=pos; ptr_to_rec=pos->data; } } else { if (!(flag & LOWUSED)) { /* Change link of previous LOW-key */ gpos->data=ptr_to_rec; gpos->next= (uint) (pos-data); flag= (flag & HIGHFIND) | (LOWFIND | LOWUSED); } gpos=pos; ptr_to_rec=pos->data; } } else { /* key will be moved */ if (!(flag & HIGHFIND)) { flag= (flag & LOWFIND) | HIGHFIND; /* key shall be moved to the last (empty) position */ gpos2 = empty; empty=pos; ptr_to_rec2=pos->data; } else { if (!(flag & HIGHUSED)) { /* Change link of previous hash-key and save */ gpos2->data=ptr_to_rec2; gpos2->next=(uint) (pos-data); flag= (flag & LOWFIND) | (HIGHFIND | HIGHUSED); } gpos2=pos; ptr_to_rec2=pos->data; } } } while ((idx=pos->next) != NO_RECORD); if ((flag & (LOWFIND | LOWUSED)) == LOWFIND) { gpos->data=ptr_to_rec; gpos->next=NO_RECORD; } if ((flag & (HIGHFIND | HIGHUSED)) == HIGHFIND) { gpos2->data=ptr_to_rec2; gpos2->next=NO_RECORD; } } /* Check if we are at the empty position */ idx= my_hash_mask(rec_hashnr(info, record), info->blength, info->records + 1); pos=data+idx; if (pos == empty) { pos->data=(uchar*) record; pos->next=NO_RECORD; } else { /* Check if more records in same hash-nr family */ empty[0]=pos[0]; gpos= data + my_hash_rec_mask(info, pos, info->blength, info->records + 1); if (pos == gpos) { pos->data=(uchar*) record; pos->next=(uint) (empty - data); } else { pos->data=(uchar*) record; pos->next=NO_RECORD; movelink(data,(uint) (pos-data),(uint) (gpos-data),(uint) (empty-data)); } } if (++info->records == info->blength) info->blength+= info->blength; return(0); }
static uint my_hash_mask(my_hash_value_type hashnr, size_t buffmax, size_t maxlength) { if ((hashnr & (buffmax-1)) < maxlength) return (hashnr & (buffmax-1)); return (hashnr & ((buffmax >> 1) -1)); }
可以看出,hash函数是hash key与buffmax的模运算,buffmax即HASH结构中的blength,由my_hash_insert中最后几行代码可知:info->blength+= info->blength; 其初始值为1,即blength = 2^n,而且blengh始终是大于records。这个动态hash函数的基本意思是key%(2^n)。依然用图解这个动态hash函数。
hash函数基本清楚了,但是mysql的具体实现还是比较值得探讨的。那封回信中也提到了without empty slots,是的,它这种实现方式是根据实际的数据量进行桶数的分配。我这里大概说下代码的流程(有兴趣的还需要大家自己仔细琢磨)。
- 根据flag去判断是否是否唯一Hash,如果是唯一Hash,去查找Hash表中是否存在重复值(dupliacate entry),存在则报错。
- 进行桶分裂,对应代码中的if (idx != info->records)分支。这个分支有些费解,稍微提示下:gpos和ptr_to_rec指示了低位需要移动的数据,gpos2和ptr_to_rec2只是了高位需要移动的数据。LOWFIND表示低位存在值,LOWUSED表示低位是否进行了调整。HIGH的宏意义基本相同。if (!(hash_nr & halfbuff)) 用于判断hash值存在高位还是低位。
- 计算新值对应的bucket号,插入。如果此位置上存在元素(一般情况都存在,除非是empty,概率比较小),调整原始元素的位置。