NLTK 3.2.2 安装经验

  1. Nltk 3.2.2要求Python版本是Python2.7 或者Python3.4+。
  2. Nltk 3.2.3 如果是从网站上直接下载程序进行安装可能会报错:Python version -32 required, which was not found in the registry,


      1)        Python版本不对:重新安装合适的Python版本

      2)        Python注册信息未加入到注册表中

      3)        Python注册信息不对


  1. Python3.0 以上版本都自带有pip,可以通过pip快捷安装nltk的最新版本,但为了保证库的版本最新,可以先更新pip

      1)        更新pip:py –m pip install –upgrade pip

      2)        安装nltk: py –m pip install nltk

                 当出现打印消息:successfully installed nltk-3.2.2 six-1.10.0时表示安装成功。
!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys from winreg import * # tweak as necessary version = sys.version[:3] installpath = sys.prefix regpath = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\Pythoncore\\%s\\" % (version) installkey = "InstallPath" pythonkey = "PythonPath" pythonpath = "%s;%s\\Lib\\;%s\\DLLs\\" % ( installpath, installpath, installpath ) def RegisterPy(): try: reg = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regpath) except EnvironmentError as e: try: reg = CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regpath) SetValue(reg, installkey, REG_SZ, installpath) SetValue(reg, pythonkey, REG_SZ, pythonpath) CloseKey(reg) except: print ("*** Unable to register!") return print ("--- Python", version, "is now registered!") return if (QueryValue(reg, installkey) == installpath and QueryValue(reg, pythonkey) == pythonpath): CloseKey(reg) print ("=== Python", version, "is already registered!") return CloseKey(reg) print ("*** Unable to register!") print ("*** You probably have another Python installation!") RegisterPy()



























posted on 2017-02-09 15:07  寒若雪  阅读(3249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报