C/C++程序基础 (八)数据结构
- 非递归先序遍历
// 输出, 遍历左子树,遍历右子树 void firstOrder(Node* root) { stack<Node*> leftNodes; Node* curr = root; // deal each node while(curr != NULL && !leftNodes.empty()) { // deal with left subtree while(curr != NULL) { cout << curr -> data << " "; // store curr node for reading right subtree leftNodes.push(curr); curr = curr -> left; } // deal with right subtree if(!leftNodes.empty()) { curr = leftNodes.top(); leftNodes.pop(); curr = curr -> right; } } }
- 非递归中序遍历
// 输出, 遍历左子树,遍历右子树 void middleOrder(Node* root) { stack<Node*> leftNodes; Node* curr = root; // deal each node while(curr != NULL && !leftNodes.empty()) { // deal with left subtree while(curr != NULL) { // store curr node for reading right subtree leftNodes.push(curr); curr = curr -> left; } // deal with right subtree if(!leftNodes.empty()) { curr = leftNodes.top(); leftNodes.pop(); // cout curr node cout << curr -> data << " "; curr = curr -> right; } } }
- 非递归后序遍历
// 输出, 遍历左子树,遍历右子树 void lastOrder(Node* root) { stack<Node*> leftNodes; stack<bool> tags; bool curr_tag = true; Node* curr = root; // deal each node while(curr != NULL && !leftNodes.empty()) { // deal with left subtree while(curr != NULL) { // store curr node for reading right subtree leftNodes.push(curr); // mark have not seen right nodes tags.push(false); curr = curr -> left; } // deal with right subtree if(!leftNodes.empty()) { curr = leftNodes.top(); curr_tag = tags.top(); tags.pop(); if(curr_tag) { cout << curr -> data << " "; leftNodes.pop(); // have already dealt right subtree p = NULL; } else { curr = curr -> right; // mark has dealt with rightsubtree tags.push(true); } } } }
- 二叉排序树:左<父<右
- 哈弗曼树
- 哈夫曼编码:带权路径最短
- 构建方法:从最远端构建
- 平衡二叉(搜索)树:每个节点的左右子树深度差的绝对值小于等于1。
- 一种实现:红黑树
- 基本失衡情况:左左(右旋),右右(左旋),左右,右左。
- 红黑树
- 节点:红色或黑色。根节点:黑色。叶节点:黑色。红色节点的孩子为黑色。根节点到其每个叶子节点的所有路径包含相同数目的黑色节点。
- 等待补充
- 完全二叉树和满二叉树
- 完全二叉树,集中在左边
- 满二叉树,没有叶子节点