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Silverlight Resources

Bits & bytes

· Get silverlight

· Telerik RadControls – 3d virtual rooms using control based framework

· DLR & IronPython

· Silverlight developer reference “poster”

· Forums – installation, troubleshooting

· Electric rain harmony (coming summer 2007) – flash to silverlight converter

· Silverlight 1.0 Beta QuickStarts

· Silverlight 1.1 Alpha QuickStarts


· Main Microsoft site

· Community site

· Mix conference

Experiences & Demos

· Getting started with silverlight - Scott Guthrie demos how to build an app from scratch

· "How Do I?" with Silverlight 1.0

· "How Do I?" with Silverlight 1.1

· Using Blend with Silverlight 1.0

· Community gallery

· Top 3 samples in community gallery

o Silverlight Pad

o Page Turn

o Video Library

· Beijing Olympics Use Silverlight

· Channel 9 screencasts

· Watch movie trailers & videos via Silverlight

· How to do Rich media advertising - example using eyeblaster


· Scott Guthrie – no intro needed

· Jim Hugunin - chief architect of the DLR

· Mike Harsh – silverlight team

· Lutz Roeder – Expression Blend team

· Delay  of silverlight airlines demo

· Ironpython

Tech talks

· All recorded mix07 sessions

· ScottGu’s mix keynote and great overview

· ScottGu’s Channel9 interview

· Building Rich Web Experiences using Silverlight and Javascript for Developers

· Deep Dive on Silverlight Media Integration

· Developing ASP.NET AJAX Controls with Silverlight

· Creating and Delivering Rich Media and Video on the Web with Silverlight, Expression Studio, and Windows Server

· Building Silverlight Applications using .NET (Part 1)

· Building Silverlight Applications using .NET (Part 2)

· Extending the Browser Programming Model with Silverlight

· Just Glue It! Ruby and the DLR in Silverlight


· Getting started whitepaper

· Silverlight Architecture Overview

posted on 2007-05-21 21:45  neuhawk  阅读(642)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报