
    关于Asp.Net的分页,网上已经有许多相对成熟的解决方案。但是不难看出,这些方案多数是 Asp.Net1.1 时期的产物。Asp.Net2.0 中,DataSource 控件的出现大大简化了 Web 程序的代码量,但部分现有的分页方案在使用DataSource控件时是不适用的。
    本文推荐的PagerDataSource控件则是一个专门用于 Asp.Net2.0 的数据分页控件,以下是该控件要简单介绍(由于本人 E 文不佳,就不对原文进行翻译了,以免用词不当或曲解原意,倒不如大家自己看 E 文得好):

Most web applications need to show large quantities of data but usually we do not show all the information on a single web page. It is very common to show only a portion of the information in the current page and to allow the user to navigate to other portions of the data. Some of the controls ASP.NET 2.0 provides have integrated paging support, but it is not very customizable. Other ASP.NET controls  just do not provide any paging support so the developer has to provide the user interface and code to add paging support.

The PagerDataSource control helps us to show only a portion of the data at a time. We have to provide the data to display to the PagerDataSource control and it will render the user interface to navigate to the different pages of our data. It will also provide paged data to the controls that we want. What is even better, we can add paging support with no code at all if we are using the data source controls introduced in ASP.NET 2.0. You will be amazed to see several synchronized pagers for the same control with no code at all!

Providing paged data to another control is not the only thing that the PagerDataSource does. The PagerDataSource also exposes rich design-time support, unlimited customization, better search engine positioning for web pages and much more! For more information take a look at the Features page.


posted on 2006-12-06 19:29  Gardener  阅读(3820)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报