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Posted on 2013-02-24 17:05  netfocus  阅读(633)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


git clone git@github.com:tangxuehua/eventsourcing.git


git pull

Commit & Push

git status
git add -A
git commit -a -m "commit detail"
git push



git add remote yourProject git@github.com:yourName/yourProject.git
git remote -v
git fetch yourProject
git branch -a
git merge yourproject/master
git log --graph -2

Pull-Request With Local Repos


that's cool!

git add remote yourProject-local http://www.cnblogs.com/yourName/yourProject
git remote -v
git fetch yourProject-local
git branch -a
git merge yourProject-local/master

Link Commit to Issue

git commit -a -m "fix #1, other messages"

Add or Remove tags

View all tags: git tag
Add a new tag for the newest stable release: 
git tag -a v0.5 -m "Version 0.5 Stable"
Push the latest tag to GitHub (two dashes): git push --tags
Delete the v0.4 tag locally: git tag -d v0.4
Delete the v0.4 tag on GitHub (which removes its download link): git push origin :v0.4


create branch: git branch testingBranch
push branch to remote: git push origin testingBranch
view all the branches: git branch
switch branch: git checkout testingBranch
remove branch of local: git branch -D testingBranch
remove branch of remote: git push origin :testingBranch
refresh local branches from remote: git fetch -v --progress --prune origin