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摘要: 最近有个项目比较棘手,nodejs的tcp服务,目前的服务器支持3W左右的客户端连接,但是客户希望能够支持30W左右,原先的模型是让客户端请求一个地址分发服务器,然后再tcp链接到不同的地址上实现高并发,但是目前客户端那边已经定型,只请求一次服务器,所以目前还不知道怎么解决。下面有一段模拟的代码:S... 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-09-24 14:30 强盗罗吉 阅读(3731) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 因为项目中有一个需求需要使用calendar控件,而且样式要和Reporting Service中的尽量一致,搜索了很久发现还是微软的AjaxControlToolkit提供的CalendarExtender比较适合,但是昨天在使用的时候碰到很奇怪的问题,也许有不少做SharePoint的朋友遇到过这个问题,没办法AjaxControlToolkit中确实有不少好用的控件,不用可惜了.问题描述:使用的是3.5的版本,在web.config中添加了assembly,也在globalCache中添加了相应的assembly.但是使用了CalendarExtender的页面居然要刷新2次才能正常显示 阅读全文
posted @ 2013-10-10 14:45 强盗罗吉 阅读(464) 评论(1) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 1.PlaceHolderQuickLaunchTop: The top of the Quick Launch menu2.PlaceHolderQuickLaunchBottom: The bottom of the Quick Launch menu3.PlacHolderPageTitle: The title of the site4.PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead: A placeholder in the head section of the page used to add extra components such as ECMAScript ( 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-11-16 17:47 强盗罗吉 阅读(198) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: 1.Decide on a high-level project timeline. When will the project start and when do you estimateit will end?2.Break down the requirements into specific tasks.3.Estimate the amount of time each of those tasks will take.4.Determine which resources will be working on each task. Will certain tasks requir 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-11-15 16:30 强盗罗吉 阅读(208) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

2012年11月15日 #

1. The Ribbon: Also known as the Fluent User Interface, the ribbon is the contextual menu at the top of the SharePoint 2010 page that is used to interact with the current page or activity.

2. Site Actions: A drop-down menu, used primarily by authenticated uses for managing many aspects of the SharePoint site.

3. Global Breadcrumbs Pop-out: This pop-out menu is the replacement for the global breadcrumbs in SharePoint 2007. It shows a hierarchical view of the current site with links to its parent sites.

4. Page State Action Button: A contextual shortcut button thatoften displays a quick link for editing and saving the page.

5. Ribbon Contextual Tabs: These tabs allow the user to switch between major sections of the ribbon. They are contextual based on the current activity on the page.

6. Welcome Menu: This control shows the current user name and has a drop-down for My Site, My Profile, My Settings, Sign in as Different User, and Sign Out. When users are not logged in, the control shows the Sign In Link, If language packs are installed, this control also allows user to switch their language.

7. Developer Dashboard Launcher: This button is hidden by default and can be activated with STSADM or PowerShell. Clicking the button displays the developer dashboard, which is typically shown at the bottom of the page.

8. Title Logo: This is the main site icon that is shown by default in SharePoint. It can be changed by setting the Logo URL from Site Actions->Site Setting->Title, description, and icon.

9. Breadcrumb: Specific to the default v4 master page, this is a combination of the site title and the current pages's title that is designed to look like a traditional breadcrumb.

10. Social Buttons: Social media buttons that are used to mark the page as liked or to add tags and notes.

11. Top Link Bar: Also known as the top navigation bar or global navigation, this is the primary horizontal navigation for the site.

12. Search Area: Comprised of a search box to enter search terms and a button to start the search. If SharePoint is configured to show search scopes, they will appear to the left of the search box.

13. Help Icon: The help icon links to the SharePoint 2010 product help documents. Often hidden for public-facing Internet sites.

14. Quick Launch: Also known as the left navigation or current navigation. It is typically used for secondary vertical navigation to show pages related to the current location.

15. Tree View: Displays a Windows Explorer-style tree view representation of the current site. Often hidden for public-facing Internet sites.

16. Recycle Bin: A link to a collection of items that were recently deleted from the site. Often hidden for public-facing sites.

17. All Site Content: Known as the View All Site Content button in SharePoint 2007, this links to the All Site Content page of the SharePoint site. Often hidden for public-facing Internet sites.

18. Body Area: This is the main content placeholder. It is required for rendering the actual content of the current page.

posted @ 2012-11-15 17:14 强盗罗吉 阅读(177) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

2011年7月12日 #

摘要: 想做一个文件系统玩玩思考了好几天,觉得这个东西看起来很简单,但是想要做得跟Windows操作系统的一样还是很难的,有很多细节要注意把自己的想法化成了类图,打算照着这个类图去做东西但是觉得这个类得设计可能还有欠缺,不知道各位博友能不能帮我想想,给出点建议对于大家好的建议,我会及时采纳的(*^__^*) 希望对于架构设计有经验的大哥大姐们多多指教 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-07-12 23:21 强盗罗吉 阅读(3429) 评论(28) 推荐(1) 编辑

2011年7月4日 #

摘要: 在现在这个项目做了有半年的时间了,发现进度远没有想象中的快,什么原因呢?我归纳了一下,主要有下面两点:1.使用敏捷开发2.角色分配敏捷开发,这是现在非常时兴的一个词,听起来挺牛逼的,敏捷,让我们感觉用了它就会“快”。在被这种开发模式折磨了1年多的我想说,其实它跟其他所有的事情都一样,它有自己适用的领域,假如错误的以为任何项目用敏捷开发都能敏捷,那就是自找苦吃。为什么?敏捷开发的特点就是根据用户的需求迭代,一个迭代解决一个迭代的问题,对于一个对于架构清晰的项目来说,这样每一个迭代都会有一些成果。而对于有些项目而言,比如说杀毒软件,磁盘分析器等等,对于这种产品类的项目,很多时候它的需求都是一开始需 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-07-04 04:48 强盗罗吉 阅读(842) 评论(0) 推荐(1) 编辑

2011年1月31日 #

摘要: 用.NET2年多了,比较幸运,项目中一直是用的2010和2008,工具比较新,相比那些还在用2003和2005的朋友们有一点点小小的优越感,哈哈。不过话说VS2008就有的一个BTO的功能,可以实现图形化界面测试类库方法,小生今天才从一本电子书上就看到,忽然觉得以前工作中用NUnit来单元测试好傻啊,真惭愧,浪费了不少时间。OTB,全称Object Test Bench,中文翻译过来就是对象测试台,顾名思义是用来对一个对象来进行测试的,我们什么时候需要用到这个工具呢?我相信,有不少程序员跟我一样是喜欢踏实的写代码,写一段测试一段,但是很多时候,没有表现层的代码是很难测试的,比如说一个类库,以前 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-01-31 14:56 强盗罗吉 阅读(625) 评论(1) 推荐(0) 编辑

2010年8月30日 #

摘要: 模式,顾名思义,就是做一种事情的方法归纳,就经验来说,做什么事情有个好的方法来应对都是可以事半功倍的,在软件开发中何谓好的模式?我认为好的模式简单来说就是保证你应对需求变化的时候不用做更多的代码修改,而只需要在原有的基础上进行扩充,也就是所谓的”关闭修改,开放扩展。“要做到这一点,系统模块之间的关系绝对不能过于紧密,过于紧密的结果就是,当你一个模块需要修改,另外一个模块也需... 阅读全文
posted @ 2010-08-30 17:55 强盗罗吉 阅读(244) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

2010年4月28日 #

摘要: 看了3天的WPF资料,今天开始试着做了一个WPF小程序,却发现一个很奇怪的问题:我的界面上有一个TextBox,Name:tbTags还有一个ComboBox,Name:cbMode,默认值index为0 有一个SelectionChange事件绑定SelectionChange事件中执行语句tbTags.IsReadOnly=true;在我测试程序的时候报错tbTags.IsReadOnly=t... 阅读全文
posted @ 2010-04-28 20:20 强盗罗吉 阅读(401) 评论(4) 推荐(0) 编辑
