android studio的Beta, Canary, Dev, Stable四种Channel版本介绍、分析与选择


Android Studio下载官网上,有如下介绍:


Android Studio's built-in update mechanism can be set to receive updates through any one of these 4 channels.

  • Canary: Bleeding edge, released about weekly. These are early previews released in order to obtain real-world feedback during development. The canary channel will always have the latest build, including updates to beta or stable releases. We recommend running canary builds side-by-side with a beta or stable installation.
  • Dev: Canary builds after a full round of internal testing get promoted into the Dev Channel.
  • Beta: Release candidates based on stable canary builds, released and updated to obtain feedback prior to the stable release. The beta channel will be updated with new stable builds until a new canary build goes to beta.
  • Stable: The official stable release, as available from the Android Developer site.



Android Studio内置的更新机制被设置成为如下四个可选的版本:

  • Canary(金丝雀):Bleeding Edge(一种最新的、因而也并非完美的技术),大约周更。这是最早被发布的预览版本,为了能够在开发过程中获得真实世界的反馈。金丝雀版本会一直拥有最新的版本包括beta、stable发布版的更新。我们建议在安装金丝雀版本的同时再安装一个beta版本或者stable版本。
  • Dev(开发版):金丝雀版本在经过完整的测试之后会被提升到Dev版本。
  • Beta(Beta版):发布预选基于稳定的金丝雀版本。被发布并更新以获取反馈先于稳定版本。Beta版本将与一个新的稳定版本一起被更新,直到一个新的金丝雀版本被确定为Beta版本。
  • Stable(稳定版):从Android Developer网站上可获得的稳定版本。

各个版本下载地址:Canary, Dev, Beta, Stable.


此点参考 android studio增量更新


posted @ 2016-10-29 17:10  NeilLee  阅读(12248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报