create temporary tablespace SCF_MAIN_TEMP
tempfile 'E:/app/data/TableSpace/SCF_MAIN_TEMP.dbf'
size 5120m
autoextend on
next 1024m maxsize 20480m
extent management local;

create tablespace SCF_MAIN_DATA
datafile 'E:/app/data/TableSpace/SCF_MAIN_DATA.dbf'
size 5120m
autoextend on
next 1024m maxsize 20480m
extent management local;

create user scfapp identified by scfapp
default tablespace SCF_MAIN_DATA
temporary tablespace SCF_MAIN_TEMP;

grant connect,resource,dba,exp_full_database,imp_full_database to scfapp;

create user readonly identified by readonly
default tablespace SCF_MAIN_DATA
temporary tablespace SCF_MAIN_TEMP;

grant connect,resource,dba,exp_full_database,imp_full_database to readonly;

create directory dpdata1 as 'd:\test\dump';

grant read,write on directory dpdata1 to scfapp;


impdp scfapp/scfapp DIRECTORY=dpdata1 DUMPFILE=scfapp.dmp FULL=y logfile=scfapplog.log


imp leaseapp/leaseapp@ file=D:/leaseapp.dmp fromuser=leaseapp log=D:/leaseapp.log


删除用户:drop user scfapp cascade;