zend Add comment is ctrl + slash, the slash where? How to cancel comment


slash is a slash '/ ' the key, that is. after that. The comment is ctrl +'/', canceled, then continue to press it once.

zend studio6.1.0 write the code in some places there will be a yellow wavy line, what it means, I think my code no problem .

1、1, this is the code parser work again, you can window-> preferences -> code analyzer following the corresponding global change "strict level ", you do not want to see the adjustment is ignored. Of course, individual projects can also specify different levels in the project properties is modified.


2.By default, zend studio6.1.0 not open. tpl files, there is no way that enables its support. tpl template file, and other formats, such as dwt and other related documents.

To open. tpl files, you can open the window-> preferences -> general-> content types, the right to select a file type, such as html, add the following *. tpl, preservation. Double-click the *. tpl files so you can use the built-in editor zde opened.

如何启用和关闭zend studio 6.1的代码自动提示功能??

preferences->php->editor->code assist,右边enable auto activation去掉前面的勾选即关闭自动提示,反之就是启用了

  1. 如何在zend studio for eclipse中,每次新建一个文件时,显示
    * @copyright(c) 2009
    * @author oo
    * @package common
    * @version $Id: template.php
    现实累死(显示类似[gently注])这样子的东西 网上查说叫PHPDOC,但是还是没搞明白 谢谢

    这个是zend studio for eclipse的Templates功能,进入菜单window->preferences->php->templates,在右边找到New simple PHP file,默认的内容是这样的:
    < ?php
    We use zend studio for eclipse new phpfile when the default template, you can modify the templates to meet your needs, of course, a better approach is to create a new template, the context selection new php, and then edit your template, where Supports a number of variables. BTW: Many people may think that $ {user} to use as Author, but in fact this variable is your OS login name, for example, is my administrator.

  2.  那么,怎么使用它呢?在使用New->php file新建文件的时候,在向导的下一步使用你修改过的New simple PHP file或者新建的模板名称




zend studio基本的外观设置


  窗口(Window)-&gt;首选参数(Preferences)-&gt;普通(General)-&gt;外观(Appearance)-&gt;颜色和字体(Colors and Fonts)。

    在右边,选择基本(Basic)-&gt;内容提示背景色(Content Assistant background color),然后点右上边“重置(Reset)”旁边的那个颜色选框,自己选一个喜欢的就好了。字体大小的设置方法同上。

关于使用zend studio for eclipse不能激活代码提示功能的解决办法

In fact, this is the project through the zend studio for eclipse does not compile (it should be indexed) results, and then re-compile the project code as long as it can. Operation is as follows: Whatever a new project, such as the test. Then find the directory where the test project, the directory. cache and. setting are copied to the project to be re-compiled directory, the test project. project name changed in the project to re-compile the project name, Directory and then copied to replace the original. project. reboot to wait to solve the code compiled question.

How to quickly find a particular location or method of a file and properties.


5、zend stdio for ecplise的代码折叠功能?





1.ctrl+D 键   ,这样可以来删除当前光标所在的行.

2.在编辑窗口中,再按组合键 CTRL+E。 可以弹出要进行切换的页面.


在编辑窗口中,选择任意多行代码,再按Tab 键,这些代码的缩进增加一个Tab的距离。(要移除缩进,选择这些代码,再按组合键 Shift + Tab)。

4.Ctrl+/      单行注释。当前为php代码时,则在光标所在行添加双斜杠行注释,选择多行则每一行都添加双斜杠;而当代码为html时则在行前后添加<!-- -->注释,选中多行将在选区前后添加<!-- -->注释,而非每行添加

5.Ctrl+Shift+/   块注释,为选择的PHP代码添加/* */块注释,如果没有选择任何代码,则将光标所在行添加块注释

6. ctrl+shilft+f    对代码进行快速的格式化

7. ctrl+H           在整个项目中来查找某一个方法名,或者是其它相关的文件

8. 当光标移动到某一行时,左键单击三次,来选中整个行.


9.zend  studio for ecplise 下的tab代码缩进


posted on 2010-07-26 21:46  myjavawork  阅读(6098)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报