简单介绍:Mac 上安装和使用PostgreSQL的方法




  1. 网络上的文档,因为各自的配置环境不同,所以可以用来参考,但不一定对自己适用;
  2. 官网文档要稍稍权威一点,介绍的要全面一点,今天深有感触;


1.PostgreSQL: 是以加州大学伯克利分校计算机系开发的 POSTGRES,现在已经更名为PostgreSQL,版本 4.2为基础的对象关系型数据库管理系统(ORDBMS)。PostgreSQL支持大部分 SQL标准并且提供了许多其他现代特性:复杂查询、外键触发器、视图、事务完整性、MVCC。同样,PostgreSQL 可以用许多方法扩展,比如, 通过增加新的数据类型、函数、操作符、聚集函数、索引。免费使用、修改、和分发 PostgreSQL,不管是私用、商用、还是学术研究使用。

2.psql: 是PostgreSQL数据库的命令行交互工具

3.pgAdmin: 是PostgreSQL数据库的图形化管理工具




以前在linux(ubuntu 14.04)上,装过PostgreSql,还算熟悉。

1.1 安装postgresql


brew install postgresql 

号称是:The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac。

Quick Installation Guide
2.Move to /Applications
3.Double Click

Done! You now have a PostgreSQL server running on your Mac. 
To use the command line programs, set up your $PATH. 
If you prefer a graphical app, check out the list of GUI tools.

If you get an error saying “the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed”, 
please make sure you didn’t skip step 2. (more info)



The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac

Postgres.app is a full-featured PostgreSQL installation packaged as a standard Mac app. It includes everything you need to get started: we’ve even included popular extensions like PostGIS for geo data and plv8 for JavaScript.

Postgres.app has a beautiful user interface and a convenient menu bar item. You never need to touch the command line to use it – but of course we do include all the necessary command line tools and header files for advanced users.

Postgres.app updates automatically, so you get bugfixes as soon as possible.

The current version requires macOS 10.10 or later and comes with the latest PostgreSQL versions (10.3, 9.6.8, and 9.5.12), but we also maintain other versions of Postgres.app.

Installing Postgres.app

  • Download   ➜   Move to Applications folder   ➜   Double Click

    If you don't move Postgres.app to the Applications folder, you will see a warning about an unidentified developer and won't be able to open it.

  • Click "Initialize" to create a new server

  • Configure your $PATH to use the included command line tools (optional):

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d &&
    echo /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp

Done! You now have a PostgreSQL server running on your Mac with these default settings:

Host localhost
Port 5432
User your system user name
Database same as user
Password none
Connection URL postgresql://localhost

To connect with psql, double click a database. To connect directly from the command line, type psql. If you’d rather use a graphical client, see below.

NOTE: These instructions assume that you’ve never installed PostgreSQL on your Mac before. If you have previously installed PostgreSQL using homebrew, MacPorts, the EnterpriseDB installer, consider removing other PostgreSQL installations first. We also have instructions for upgrading from older versions of Postgres.app.

Graphical Clients

Postgres.app includes psql, a versatile command line client for PostgreSQL. But it’s not the only option; there are plenty of great graphical clients available for PostgreSQL. Two popular tools are:

pgAdmin 4 is a feature rich open source PostgreSQL client. It has support for almost every feature in PostgreSQL. The only downside is that the cross-plattform UI really doesn’t live up to the expectations of a native Mac app.

Postico on the other hand, is a very modern Mac app. It’s made by the same people that maintain Postgres.app, and we think you’ll like it! We put a lot of effort into making it a joy to use. However, it doesn’t have the extensive feature set of pgAdmin, and it’s a commercial app rather than open source.

Aside from those two options, there are a lot more to choose from! Check the documentation for a list of amazing Mac apps for PostgreSQL.

How to connect

After your PostgreSQL server is up and running, you’ll probably want to connect to it from your application. Here’s how to connect to PostgreSQL from popular programming languages and frameworks:


To connect to a PostgreSQL server with Python, please first install the psycopg2 library:

pip install psycopg2


In your settings.py, add an entry to your DATABASES setting:

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
        "USER": "[YOUR_USER_NAME]",
        "PASSWORD": "",
        "HOST": "localhost",
        "PORT": "",


When using the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension you can add to your application code:

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://localhost/[YOUR_DATABASE_NAME]'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)


from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('postgresql://localhost/[YOUR_DATABASE_NAME]')


We have a list of common problems in the troubleshooting section in the documentation.

For general questions concerning PostgreSQL, have a look at the official PostgreSQL documentation.

If you have a question concerning Postgres.app that is not answered by the Postgres.app documentation, you can ask @PostgresApp on Twitter, or open an issue on GitHub.

When reporting bugs, let us know which version of Postgres.app & macOS you are using, and be sure to include detailed error messages, even if your issue seems similar to another one.


Postgres.app, PostgreSQL, and its extensions are released under the PostgreSQL License. The released binaries also include OpenSSL (OpenSSL License), PostGIS (GPLv2), and plv8 (3 clause BSD).

Postgres.app is maintained by Jakob Egger and Chris Pastl. It was originally created by Mattt Thompson.


posted @ 2018-03-12 20:40  会飞的加菲猫  阅读(5893)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报