MATLAB-Nerual Network Toolbox-Train a Deep Neural Network for Digit Classification



















%% Training a Deep Neural Network for Digit Classification
% This example shows how to use Neural Network Toolbox(TM) to train a deep
% neural network to classify images of digits.
% Neural networks with multiple hidden layers can be useful for solving
% classification problems with complex data, such as images. Each layer can
% learn features at a different level of abstraction. However, training
% neural networks with multiple hidden layers can be difficult in practice.
% One way to effectively train a neural network with multiple layers is by
% training one layer at a time. You can achieve this by training a special
% type of network known as an autoencoder for each desired hidden layer.
% This example shows you how to train a neural network with two hidden
% layers to classify digits in images. First you train the hidden layers
% individually in an unsupervised fashion using autoencoders. Then you
% train a final softmax layer, and join the layers together to form a deep
% network, which you train one final time in a supervised fashion.
% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Data set
% This example uses synthetic data throughout, for training and testing.
% The synthetic images have been generated by applying random affine
% transformations to digit images created using different fonts.
% Each digit image is 28-by-28 pixels, and there are 5,000 training
% examples. You can load the training data, and view some of the images.

% Load the training data into memory
[xTrainImages, tTrain] = digittrain_dataset;

% Display some of the training images
for i = 1:20

% The labels for the images are stored in a 10-by-5000 matrix, where in
% every column a single element will be 1 to indicate the class that the
% digit belongs to, and all other elements in the column will be 0. It
% should be noted that if the tenth element is 1, then the digit image is a
% zero.

%% Training the first autoencoder
% Begin by training a sparse autoencoder on the training data without using
% the labels.
% An autoencoder is a neural network which attempts to replicate its input
% at its output. Thus, the size of its input will be the same as the size
% of its output. When the number of neurons in the hidden layer is less
% than the size of the input, the autoencoder learns a compressed
% representation of the input.
% Neural networks have weights randomly initialized before training.
% Therefore the results from training are different each time. To avoid
% this behavior, explicitly set the random number generator seed.

% Set the size of the hidden layer for the autoencoder. For the autoencoder
% that you are going to train, it is a good idea to make this smaller than
% the input size.
hiddenSize1 = 100;

% The type of autoencoder that you will train is a sparse autoencoder. This
% autoencoder uses regularizers to learn a sparse representation in the
% first layer. You can control the influence of these regularizers by
% setting various parameters:
% * |L2WeightRegularization| controls the impact of an L2 regularizer for
% the weights of the network (and not the biases). This should typically be
% quite small.
% * |SparsityRegularization| controls the impact of a sparsity regularizer,
% which attempts to enforce a constraint on the sparsity of the output from
% the hidden layer. Note that this is different from applying a sparsity
% regularizer to the weights.
% * |SparsityProportion| is a parameter of the sparsity regularizer. It
% controls the sparsity of the output from the hidden layer. A low value
% for |SparsityProportion| usually leads to each neuron in the hidden layer
% "specializing" by only giving a high output for a small number of
% training examples. For example, if |SparsityProportion| is set to 0.1,
% this is equivalent to saying that each neuron in the hidden layer should
% have an average output of 0.1 over the training examples. This value must
% be between 0 and 1. The ideal value varies depending on the nature of the
% problem.
% Now train the autoencoder, specifying the values for the regularizers
% that are described above.

autoenc1 = trainAutoencoder(xTrainImages,hiddenSize1, ...
    'MaxEpochs',400, ...
    'L2WeightRegularization',0.004, ...
    'SparsityRegularization',4, ...
    'SparsityProportion',0.15, ...
    'ScaleData', false);

% You can view a diagram of the autoencoder. The autoencoder is comprised
% of an encoder followed by a decoder. The encoder maps an input to a 
% hidden representation, and the decoder attempts to reverse this mapping
% to reconstruct the original input.


%% Visualizing the weights of the first autoencoder
% The mapping learned by the encoder part of an autoencoder can be useful
% for extracting features from data. Each neuron in the encoder has a
% vector of weights associated with it which will be tuned to respond to a
% particular visual feature. You can view a representation of these
% features.


% You can see that the features learned by the autoencoder represent curls
% and stroke patterns from the digit images.
% The 100-dimensional output from the hidden layer of the autoencoder is a
% compressed version of the input, which summarizes its response to the
% features visualized above. Train the next autoencoder on a set of these
% vectors extracted from the training data. First, you must use the encoder
% from the trained autoencoder to generate the features.

feat1 = encode(autoenc1,xTrainImages);

%% Training the second autoencoder
% After training the first autoencoder, you train the second autoencoder in
% a similar way. The main difference is that you use the features that were
% generated from the first autoencoder as the training data in the second
% autoencoder. Also, you decrease the size of the hidden representation to
% 50, so that the encoder in the second autoencoder learns an even smaller
% representation of the input data.

hiddenSize2 = 50;
autoenc2 = trainAutoencoder(feat1,hiddenSize2, ...
    'MaxEpochs',100, ...
    'L2WeightRegularization',0.002, ...
    'SparsityRegularization',4, ...
    'SparsityProportion',0.1, ...
    'ScaleData', false);

% Once again, you can view a diagram of the autoencoder with the
% |view| function.


% You can extract a second set of features by passing the previous set
% through the encoder from the second autoencoder.

feat2 = encode(autoenc2,feat1);

% The original vectors in the training data had 784 dimensions. After
% passing them through the first encoder, this was reduced to 100
% dimensions. After using the second encoder, this was reduced again to 50
% dimensions. You can now train a final layer to classify these 
% 50-dimensional vectors into different digit classes.

%% Training the final softmax layer
% Train a softmax layer to classify the 50-dimensional feature vectors.
% Unlike the autoencoders, you train the softmax layer in a supervised
% fashion using labels for the training data.

softnet = trainSoftmaxLayer(feat2,tTrain,'MaxEpochs',400);

% You can view a diagram of the softmax layer with the |view| function.


%% Forming a stacked neural network
% You have trained three separate components of a deep neural network in
% isolation. At this point, it might be useful to view the three neural
% networks that you have trained. They are |autoenc1|, |autoenc2|, and
% |softnet|.


% As was explained, the encoders from the autoencoders have been used to
% extract features. You can stack the encoders from the autoencoders 
% together with the softmax layer to form a deep network.

deepnet = stack(autoenc1,autoenc2,softnet);

% You can view a diagram of the stacked network with the |view| function.
% The network is formed by the encoders from the autoencoders and the
% softmax layer.

% With the full deep network formed, you can compute the results on the
% test set. To use images with the stacked network, you have to reshape the
% test images into a matrix. You can do this by stacking the columns of an
% image to form a vector, and then forming a matrix from these vectors.

% Get the number of pixels in each image
imageWidth = 28;
imageHeight = 28;
inputSize = imageWidth*imageHeight;

% Load the test images
[xTestImages, tTest] = digittest_dataset;

% Turn the test images into vectors and put them in a matrix
xTest = zeros(inputSize,numel(xTestImages));
for i = 1:numel(xTestImages)
    xTest(:,i) = xTestImages{i}(:);

% You can visualize the results with a confusion matrix. The numbers in the
% bottom right-hand square of the matrix give the overall accuracy.

y = deepnet(xTest);

%% Fine tuning the deep neural network
% The results for the deep neural network can be improved by performing
% backpropagation on the whole multilayer network. This process is often
% referred to as fine tuning.
% You fine tune the network by retraining it on the training data in a
% supervised fashion. Before you can do this, you have to reshape the
% training images into a matrix, as was done for the test images.

% Turn the training images into vectors and put them in a matrix
xTrain = zeros(inputSize,numel(xTrainImages));
for i = 1:numel(xTrainImages)
    xTrain(:,i) = xTrainImages{i}(:);

% Perform fine tuning
deepnet = train(deepnet,xTrain,tTrain);

% You then view the results again using a confusion matrix.

y = deepnet(xTest);

%% Summary
% This example showed how to train a deep neural network to classify digits
% in images using Neural Network Toolbox(TM). The steps that have been
% outlined can be applied to other similar problems, such as classifying
% images of letters, or even small images of objects of a specific
% category.



posted on 2017-03-22 15:06  Mr..Feng  阅读(1864)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
