405 error - Method not allowed

当我们使用WebHttpBinding(如WCF REST服务或者使用POX服务),并在一个服务中调用另一个服务时,需要创建新的请求上下文。

Sounds common enough now doesn't it? and it is - unless you happen to use a service with   WebHttpBinding (e.g. if you try to develop a RESTful WCF service or want to use POX services).  When you use WebHttpBinding and try to make a call within a call you are likely to find yourself starring at a ProtocolException with a 405 error - Method not allowed. Turns out WCF finds itself confused by the Operation Context (OperationalContextScope) of the incoming request so if you want things to work properly you need to create a new one for the request

var webBinding = new WebHttpBinding();
var channel = new ChannelFactory(webBinding, controlUri);
channel.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
var proxy = channel.CreateChannel();
using( new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel) proxy))

I already spent the time figuring this bugger out- I hope this post will save you the trouble
posted @ 2012-10-30 16:28  verayang  阅读(1151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报