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cross join

inner join

left outer join  

right outer join 

full outer join


首先都是基于cross join(笛卡尔乘积),然后是inner join,在笛卡尔乘积的结果集中去掉不符合连接条件的行。

left outer join 是在inner join的结果集上加上左表中没被选上的行,行的右表部分每个字段都用NUll填充。

right outer join 是在inner join的结果集上加上右表中没被选上的行,行的左表部分全用NULL填充。


SQL JOIN 用法完全版



cross join

inner join

left outer join  

right outer join 

full outer join


首先都是基于cross join(笛卡尔乘积),然后是inner join,在笛卡尔乘积的结果集中去掉不符合连接条件的行。

left outer join 是在inner join的结果集上加上左表中没被选上的行,行的右表部分每个字段都用NUll填充。

right outer join 是在inner join的结果集上加上右表中没被选上的行,行的左表部分全用NULL填充。





1INNER Join code as the following:


Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID = b.categoryID;


Select * from A a inner join B b on a.categoryID = b.categoryID;


2OUTER Join code as the following


select * from A a full(left/right) outer  join B b  on a on a.categoryID = b.categoryID;


Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID *=  b.categoryID;

Select * from A a, B b where a.categoryID =*  b.categoryID;



Table A have 12( 8+4) entries, 8 entries have valid relation with B

Table B have 80(77+3) entries , 77 entries have valid relation with A.


then the return amount of join is :

cross join : 12*80

inner join : 77

full outer join : 77+4+3

left outer join: 77 + 4

right outrer join: 77 + 3

posted on 2015-06-11 15:18  朝花朝拾  阅读(605)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报