ICONIX Process
1、像rup,iconix是用例驱动的但是比rup更轻量级。 iconix 仅仅使用四种diagram(用例图、健壮性图、时序图、类图)就可以把用例文本转成代码。
Overview of the ICONIX Process
The ICONIX process is split up into four milestones. At each stage the work for the previous milestone is reviewed and updated.
Milestone 1: Requirements review
Before beginning the ICONIX process there needs to have been some requirements analysis done. From this analysis use cases can be identified, a domain model produced and some prototype GUIs made.
在需求审核阶段,产生了use case text,use case, domain model ,prototype guis 等。
Milestone 2: Preliminary Design Review
Once use cases have been identified, text can be written describing how the user and system will interact. A robustness analysis is performed to find potential errors in the use case text, and the domain model is updated accordingly. The use case text is important for identifying how the users will interact with the intended system. They also provide the developer with something to show the Customer and verify that the results of the requirements analysis were correct.
Milestone 3: Detailed Design Review
During this stage of the ICONIX process the domain model and use case text from milestone 2 are used to design the system being built. A class diagram is produced from the domain model and the use case text is used to make sequence diagrams.
Milestone 4: Deployment
Unit tests are written to verify the system will match up to the use case text, and sequence diagrams. Finally code is written using the class and sequence diagrams as a guide.
ICONIX过程是一种以最少步骤实现从用例到代码的OOAD[object-oriented analysis and design]方法学,开覆盖了软件过程中所有关键的环节。
本方法将健壮性分析[robustness analysis]作为从需求到设计的重要过渡步骤,这是其它软件过程方法中几乎没有或忽视的。
ICONIX主要分为四个阶段: 需求分析阶段、初步设计阶段、详细设计阶段、部署阶段。