POJ 1650 Integer Approximation 近似整数

                                  Integer Approximation

Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 5801 Accepted: 1957


The FORTH programming language does not support floating-point arithmetic at all. Its author, Chuck Moore, maintains that floating-point calculations are too slow and most of the time can be emulated by integers with proper scaling. For example, to calculate the area of the circle with the radius R he suggests to use formula like R * R * 355 / 113, which is in fact surprisingly accurate. The value of 355 / 113 ≈ 3.141593 is approximating the value of PI with the absolute error of only about 2*10-7. You are to find the best integer approximation of a given floating-point number A within a given integer limit L. That is, to find such two integers N and D (1 <= N, D <= L) that the value of absolute error |A - N / D| is minimal.


The first line of input contains a floating-point number A (0.1 <= A < 10) with the precision of up to 15 decimal digits. The second line contains the integer limit L. (1 <= L <= 100000).


Output file must contain two integers, N and D, separated by space.

Sample Input


Sample Output

355 113


Northeastern Europe 2001, Far-Eastern Subregion

题意概括:输入一个浮点数, 再输入某范围内的两个整数, 求某范围内能够使这个浮点数减去两个整数商的差的绝对值最小。求这两个整数各是多少。

解题思路:这个题可以使用“追赶法”。 即设k为差,kk为差的绝对值,每一次此次若kk小于前一次的kk, 则更新kk,以及两个整数的值。 然后,如果k为整数,则意味着两个数的商太小,可以尝试增加被除数的值,即被除数进行累加(被除数进行追赶);反之,若k为负数,则意味着两个数的商太大,可以尝试增加除数的值,即除数进行累加(除数进行追赶)。直到被除数或除数中的一个大于所规定的范围,循环结束。输出两个整数,这两个整数就是所求的整数。

double A;

double dis(int n, int d)
	return A - (double)n / d;

int main(void)
	double k, kk, min = 999999 * 1.0;
	int L;
	int n, d, p, q;
	scanf("%lf", &A);
	scanf("%d", &L);
	n = 1;
	d = 1;
	p = n;
	q = d;
	while(n <= L && d <= L)
		k = dis(n, d);
		kk = fabs(k);
		if(kk < min)
			min = kk;
			p = n;
			q = d;
		if(k > 0)
			n ++;
			d ++;
	printf("%d %d\n", p, q);
	return 0;
错误原因:此题未看题解前无思路。鄙视 鄙视自己一下。。。。

posted @ 2018-03-21 23:21  moonlight987  阅读(264)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报