R: for installing package 'RODBC'

Today, i try to install a package in R named 'DOBDC', while i meet a message:


> install.packages('RODBC')

package ‘RODBC’ is available as a source package but not as a binary

package ‘RODBC’ is not available (for R version 3.1.2)


Then, i opened 'R package installer', choosed 'CRAN(sources)' and enter 'RODBC' for searching. 

Greatfully, there comed a package named 'RODBC', I enter 'install Selected' quickly. (choose 'install dependencies')

After a moment, R told me that it had put it in this:



I opened it up and saw it. I wrote these into R:

> install.packages('RODBC_1.3-10.tar.gz',repos=NULL,tpye='source')
错误: 文件‘RODBC_1.3-10.tar.gz’不是OS ​​X的二进制软件包


Pay attention here:

i have tried to use Rstudio to install 'RODBC' by 'install packages' in 'Tool', while it still gives me:


> install.packages("RODBC")

package ‘RODBC’ is available as a source package but not as a binary

Warning in install.packages :
package ‘RODBC’ is not available (for R version 3.1.2)


so , i have to ues R Console again.


Question is what I can do now.


e.g. seceed install as:

> install.packages('animation')
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 460758 bytes (449 Kb)
downloaded 449 Kb

The downloaded binary packages are in
> library(animation)



haha! i have find a way to solve last question, that is, 

open 'R Package Installer' in 'packages & data'. i choose 'local source package' under 'Packages Repository', enter 'install...'. R  will tell us to choose a package. here i choose the package i just download before:



Then, it works!!!!!!!! 

I think every time i meet the problem about this , i can solve them as the same way.



i have meet the followint problem too. Make sure u have solved them.


some importance:

 I had the same problem ("ODBC headers sql.h and sqlext.h not found") on OS X, and fixed it by installing unixodbc (brew install unixodbc)

posted @ 2015-02-09 12:51  monlh  阅读(2149)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报