

SharePoint Portal Server主页:

SharePoint Service和SharePoint Portal Server有什么区别:


SharePoint Service 2003 (2.0) 下载:

SharePoint Service 2003 SDK 下载:

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Eval Edittion:

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Administrator's Guide:

SharePoint University :

以前SharePoint服务叫SharePoint Team Service,新版叫Team Service 2.0,后改名为SharePoint Service 2003,后来把核心服务集成进了Windows Server 2003,就叫做Windows SharePoint Service。


Eli's SharePoint Resources
SharePoint 2003 Administrator's Guide. Guide for installing, configuring, managing, and maintaining Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003.

KBAlertz. Receive free e-mail alerts whenever Microsoft posts a new support or KB article. [Index by Technology] [SharePoint 2003]

SharePoint FAQ on GotDotNet. Questions and answers contributed by SharePoint and Microsoft newsgroup users.

SPSFAQ. SharePoint Portal Server Frequently Asked Questions

WSSFAQ. Windows SharePoint Services Frequently Asked Questions

Google Search Microsoft.com.

Sharepoint on MSDN.

Lamont Harrington's SharePoint Resources.  Had I seen this first I might have saved myself the trouble!

SharePoint D2D. A collection of resources including tools, webcasts and discussion areas.



SharePoint Newsgroups (microsoft.com). Explore the support newsgroups to ask questions, share information, or exchange ideas with others who use SharePoint Portal Server.

[Amanda Murphy's Weblog]
Arpan Shah's Weblog]
New! [
Barry's Blog] Advanced SharePoint Customization and WebParts on Barracuda.net
[Eli Robillard's Weblog]
Ian Morris' Weblog]

[Jan Tielens' Weblog]
[Jim's SharePoint Weblog]
New! [
John West's Weblog]
New! [
Mads Haugbø Nissen's Weblog] SharePoint Customization Tips.
Maurice Prather's SharePoint Thoughts] Building a SharePoint Blog and more deep knowledge.

[Steve Clark's Weblog (SharePoint Category)]
Maxim V. Karpov's Weblog (SharePoint Category)] Wow. Go look.
Note: The category views above may not show links to the RSS/XML sources; to get those, click on the blog's title to get back to the unfiltered view and then look for the RSS link(s).


SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Software Development Kit. This SDK contains conceptual overviews, programming tasks, samples, and references to guide you in developing solutions based on Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies. [Documentation]

Web Parts.
[Web Part Pages and the Web Part Infrastucture (msdn.com)]
Creating a basic Web Part]
Debugging Web Parts]
Web Part Templates for Visual Studio.NET]

Event Handlers.
[Document Library Event Handler Toolkit]
Creating Event Log Messages for a Document Library]  Includes source code which may be extended to handle any document library event.

Microsoft.SharePoint Namespace]
Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace]
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls Namespace]

[Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages Namespace] [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication Namespace]


SharePointCustomization.com. A collection of templates, skins and guidance for modifying the look and feel of SPS and WSS with FrontPage.

Customizing SharePoint Sites and Portals. A three-part series of MSDN articles. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

WSS Demo Site. It looks like a hub but it's really a sweet developer resource for WSS site customisation. The home page has a list of recent KB articles (it reads the KBAlertz RSS feed) and the sections on Articles and Demos provide a number of quick useful tips.

Style Sheet Class Reference. This complete reference for ows.css defines all the elements with examples.

Visual Style Sheet Reference. This page contains screenshots of SharePoint pages where mousing over elements reveals the underlying style in a tooltip. Handy!

Web Component Directory (microsoft.com). Web Parts, Templates, Tools, and Complete Solutions.

SmartPart for SharePoint. A SharePoint Webpart that can host any ASP.NET user control. Create your webparts by using the VS.NET designer instead of coding everything by hand!

SharePoint WebPart Toolkit. "The Web Part Toolkit offers five of the most powerful SharePoint tools that free can buy.  These tools are designed to give you a powerful insight to the inner workings of your web part pages, web parts, and the SharePoint server itself."


Acrobat. Installing the Adobe Acrobat IFilter and associated icon

Mp3. An Mp3 IFilter originally written for the Meticulist document management system.

TIFF. This article describes how to enable optical character recognition for Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) files, how to change the TIFF file size limit, how to enable automatic file rotation, and how to log TIFF error messages to the application event log.

Visio. With this download, you can extend the text search features in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and Microsoft SharePoint™ Products and Technologies to include searching within Microsoft Office Visio 2003 files. Visio binary and XML formats are supported.

IFilter Shop. Commercial IFilters for a variety of formats including Zip, Shtml, Wma, vCard, and OpenOffice.


Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies. MCMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies consists of .NET server controls, Web Parts, ASP.NET files, and documentation that enable customers to integrate SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 technologies with Microsoft Content Management Server 2002.

Microsoft Live Communication Server. An instant messaging server platform to support SPS presence and document collaboration features.

Reporting Services. A collection of SharePoint WebParts that integrate with SQL Server Reporting Services.

InfoPath Development

InfoPath 2003 Service Pack 1 Preview. Advantages include .NET allowing C# and VB.NET code, improved access to data sources (schema changes don'
t break forms), and enhancements to the object model. This update will be released as part of an Office 2003 Service Pack, and no breaking changes are expected from this preview release to the RTM release.

InfoPath Toolkit for Visual Studio.NET Preview. Create forms templates in InfoPath using Visual Studio.

Brightwork. A help desk ticket application built on SharePoint.

Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley. Help your company efficiently manage the extensive work required to comply with sections 302 and 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Built on WSS.  [Download] [Deployment Guide]

Archival Tools

AvePoint. Allows for the successful backup and restore of whole sites, documents and images with history, versions and meta data, areas with portal links, and all lists and items including contacts, events, tasks, and discussions.

CommVault. A product exists for SPS 2001, not yet for 2003. However an alpha (“engineering“) release for SPS 2003 is available to existing customers.

KVS Enterprise Vault for SharePoint Portal Server. Automatically archive older information off the SharePoint server and into on-line stores. Solves SPS's lack of an undelete feature and provides an alternative to document versioning without bloating the database.


Microsoft SharePoint 2003 Unleashed. Lynn Langfield, Colin Spence, and Michael Noel (Sams Publishing).

Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Resource Kit. Bill English (Microsoft Press).

Microsoft SharePoint: Building Office 2003 Solutions. Scot Hillier (Apress).

Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server 2003: Planning, Design and Implementation. Release Date: July 1. Kevin Laahs, Emer McKenna, Veli-Matti Vanamo (Digital Press).

More links in feedback!

2004-07-12 add SharePoint FAQ on GotDotNet.
2004-09-13 add John West's Weblog, Style Sheet Class Reference.
2004-09-16 add
Mads Haugbø Nissen's Weblog
2004-09-17 add Visual Style Sheet Reference
2004-10-05 add Barry's Blog, Maurice Prather's SharePoint Thoughts

posted on Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:22 PM


# re: Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/17/2004 12:36 PM SBC

yowza! thanks for this posting - lots of good stuff here..

# Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/17/2004 1:53 PM Bryant Likes's Blog

# Great SharePoint Resource Listing 6/17/2004 4:08 PM Amanda Murphy's Weblog Xbox :: Technology :: Busin

Eli Robillard has posted a great listing of SharePoint resources on his weblog.  Oh and I am not just saying that because he linked me.  :)  Actually I am quite glad (and grateful) he did because it gave me instant notification of the post and all the great things he listed.  Good stuff Eli!I have soooo much information that I have been collecting over the past few months and I really need to update my blogroll and links list.  Especially when it comes to SharePoint and InfoPath resources.  I have been using Steve's app (SharePointFav) for collecting most of my links these days and let me tell you - there are quite a lot of them.  I really like that little app!  Oh and I am not just saying that because Steve is my boss :) One of my teams at work is dedicated to developing SharePoint components (web parts, tools, templates etc...) and we are currently working on developing v2 of SharePointFav so stay tuned for an update on that.  Thanks to Steve for letting us do that!  The next version is going to contain a gui for managing your SharePoint lists as well as an offline store / sync file for when you are not connected...

# Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/18/2004 2:01 AM Arno Nel

# re: Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/18/2004 5:20 AM Ian Morrish

Feeling left out :-(

# Sharepoint Resources 6/18/2004 8:09 AM Mischa Kroon

# Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/18/2004 3:29 PM The Denrael Project

Eli's SharePoint Resources Eli's SharePoint Resources is an excellent resource for all things SharePoint. Take a look

# re: Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/18/2004 5:05 PM Barry Gervin

Icarumba. Boy this gets updated a lot ;)

# re: Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/19/2004 11:17 AM Dustin Miller

Let's not forget
http://www.sharepointblogs.com/, http://www.sharepointu.com/ and http://www.sharepointexperts.com/ ;)

# re: Eli's SharePoint Resources 6/21/2004 2:50 AM Mike Walsh Helsinki

The only problem with using an RSS feed from KbAlertz (your reference to the WSSDEMO site which offers much much more than this) to give you the latest WSS KB articles is that this feed only spots the articles where WSS is listed first in the Applies To section and also sometimes takes several days to notice them.

I use it as *one* source for my list of WSS KB Articles in the WSS FAQ listing, but I also use KBAlertz's for other Office Products and also a weekly file from within MS of all new KB articles from the previous week (new and amended) in addition to various blogs.

# Une bonne liste SPS 2003 d'Eli Robillared. 6/21/2004 3:10 PM SharePoint au Quotidien

# Eli's SharePoint Resources 7/5/2004 4:13 AM Owen Allen (MS TS)

# re: Eli's SharePoint Resources 7/7/2004 11:38 AM Dipal Choksi

Patrick Tisseghem's weblog (
http://radio.weblogs.com/0126624/rss.xml) is also a good resource. The article series on MSDN Belux is particularly good reading for beginners.

# SharePoint Links 7/11/2004 6:16 PM Adventures in home working

Just a few links from recent blog-findings related to SharePoint and Infopath that caught my eye: SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Webcasts (past and future) Eli's SharePoint Resources

# Eli's SharePoint Resources 7/14/2004 12:33 PM Stuart Radcliffe

Eli Robillard continues to maintain his excellent page of sharepoint resources.

# [Ref] Eli's SharePoint Resources 7/21/2004 2:17 AM .NET Tools

Eli's SharePoint ResourcesSouce:http://weblogs.asp.net/erobillard/archive/2004/06/17/158311.aspxReferenceSharePoint...

# 3 7/23/2004 3:13 AM SharePoint au Quotidien

# SharePoint Links 7/27/2004 1:10 PM ERIC LEGAULT ME EGGO

# SharePoint Resources 7/27/2004 2:19 PM Bryant Likes's Blog

# Eric's Big List Of SharePoint Links 8/9/2004 1:07 AM Eric Legault My Eggo

# SharePoint Resources and Wiki 8/16/2004 5:42 PM Bryant Likes's Blog

posted on 2004-10-16 01:23  mmneo  阅读(1330)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报