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换了工作,最近在作.NET的C/S项目,由于经验比较少,便想通过读《Dissecting a C# Application Inside SharpDevelop》结合SharpDevelop源码的学习,全面地了解一下好的应用程序是如何编写的,从中不但能锻炼编程能力,也可以进行一些架构的思考。
Summary of Contents
Chapter 1:    Features at a Glance
Chapter 2:    Designing the Architecture
Chapter 3:    Implementing the Core
Chapter 4:    Building the Application with Add-ins
Chapter 5:    Providing Functionality with Workspace Services
Chapter 6:    The User Interface
Chapter 7:    Internationalization
Chapter 8:    Document Management
Chapter 9:    Syntax Highlighting
Chapter 10:   Search and Replace
Chapter 11:   Writing the Editor Control
Chapter 12:   Writing the Parser
Chapter 13:   Code Completion and Method Insight
Chapter 14:   Navigating Code with the Class Scout and the Assembly Scout
Chapter 15:   The Designer Infrastructure
Chapter 16:   Implementing a Windows Forms Designer
Chapter 17:   Code Generation
除了一些泛泛的特性或理论介绍章节外,尽量每章写一个Demo,每周写一篇文章出来,欢迎大家监督 :)

SharpDevelop浅析_1_AddInTree -- 使用ICSharpCode.Core创建插件支持的应用程序

SharpDevelop浅析_2_User-Interface -- 创建易扩展且功能模块松散耦合的应用程序

SharpDevelop浅析_3_Internationalization & TextEditor 国际化、文档编辑器、语法高亮显示……

SharpDevelop浅析_4 TextEditor_自动完成、代码折叠……

SharpDevelop浅析_5_Windows Forms Designer

暂未涉及到Project组织方式, Debugger 及其它一些Addin项目的分析;学以致用,如果以后有应用需求,也可能会再来补充分析些其它有意思的项目吧...
posted on 2007-01-15 22:36  lin-zhang  阅读(14495)  评论(10编辑  收藏  举报