


一.  在写C++.DLL的库时, 要注意

// define function pointer

typedef void (__stdcall *React)(int msg);

// set pointer

void __stdcall SetReact(React rt)也要__stdcall


二. 在托管代码处。


        public delegate void React(int msg);

        [DllImport(@"D:\workbench\TestDelegate.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]

        public static extern void SetReact(


            React rt


说明:委托要指明UnmanagedFunctionPointer和StdCall 。 其次,MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)这里也要注意MarshaAs和标准调用。

三. 当上面的环节没有问题了, 开始调用后始终报异常。“函数指针 尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常指示其他内存已损坏。”

最终发现: 共享dll内存数据不能共享函数指针。 过程摘录如下:

  1. // Global and static member variables that are not shared.

    #pragmadata_seg("SHARED"// Begin the shared data segment.
    // Define simple variables
    // Integers, char[] arrays and pointers
    // Do not define classes that require 'deep' copy constructors.
    #pragmadata_seg()          // End the shared data segment and default back to
                                // the normal data segment behavior.

    // This is the most important statement of all
    // Ideally you can set this in the projects linker tab, but I never could get
    // that to work.  I stumbled across this in a discussion board response from
    // Todd Jeffreys.  This tells the linker to generate the
    shared data segment. 
    // It does not tell it what variables are
    shared, the other statements do that,
    // but it does direct the linker to make provisions for the
    shared data segment.
    #pragma comment(linker, "/section:SHARED,RWS")


源文档 <http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/240/How-to-share-a-data-segment-in-a-DLL>



1#pragma data_seg()一般用于DLL中。也就是说,在DLL中定义一个共享的,有名字的数据段。最关键的是:






    #pragma data_seg("MyData")


    int g_Value; // Note that the global is not initialized.


    #pragma data_seg()




    int GetValue()


        return g_Value;



    void SetValue(int n)


        g_Value = n;



然后启动两个进程ABAB都调用了这个DLL,假如A调用了SetValue(5); B接着调用int m = GetValue(); 



SetValue(5); B接着调用int m = GetValue(); 那么m的值就一定是5!这就实现了跨进程之间的数据通信!



说说用#pragma data_seg来实现的方法,很是简洁便利。


#pragma data_seg("flag_data")

int app_count = 0;

#pragma data_seg()

#pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:flag_data,RWS")


if(app_count>0)     // 如果计数大于0,则退出应用程序。


//MessageBox(NULL, "已经启动一个应用程序", "Warning", MB_OK);   

//printf("no%d application", app_count);

return FALSE;




源文档 <http://my.oschina.net/u/218425/blog?disp=2&p=14>



  1. 尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常指示其他内存已损坏。


First of all, it seems like you passed the function pointer is relative to the pass in.
 Process stack address, and you call the dll, address
 Dll, relative address to be converted,


源文档 <http://www.opendebug.com/article/173695>


For example, g_pMsgDlgFunc = 07212000;
 When you assign worth to point to the correct address.
 Hook dll is injected into the space of another process, the position may change, this time g_pMsgDlgFunc = 07.212 million points to the address of the process, when you call this address when the hook is not necessarily correct code.
 Do not know you is not the situation. If this call in dll address should be the problem.


源文档 <http://www.opendebug.com/article/173695>


  1. 终于找到,来看看微软官方的文档。有一句话如下:
  • Classes with virtual functions always contain function pointers. Classes with virtual functions should never be stored in shared data segments nor in memory mapped files. This is particularly important to MFC classes or classes that inherit from MFC.


源文档 <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h90dkhs0(VS.80).aspx>





posted on 2013-07-24 14:40  黑择明  阅读(248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报