
I am trying to marshal an erlang record to a xml document.  In my code 
the record field name becomes the element name. 

Is this a reasonable way to produce the Xml. 

I was hoping to be able to "iterate" over the field names (with a list 
comprehension perhaps) but I could not 
find a way to convert a record to a List in the form 

list( {fieldname1, value1},  {fieldname2, value2}). 

My attempts follow: 


-record(ewayRequest, { 
    ewayCustomerID,             %required 
    ewayCustomerFirstName,   %required 
    ewayCustomerLastName,    %required 
    ewayOption1                     %optional 

asXml(EwayRecord) -> 
    SimpleContent = asSimpleContent(EwayRecord), 
    lists:flatten(xmerl:export_simple_content(SimpleContent, xmerl_xml)). 

asSimpleContent(EwayRequest) -> 
        [{ewayCustomerID, [EwayRequest#ewayRequest.ewayCustomerID]}, 
        {ewayCustomerFirstName , 
[EwayRequest#ewayRequest.ewayCustomerFirstName ]}, 
        {ewayCustomerLastName, [EwayRequest#ewayRequest.ewayCustomerLastName]}, 
        {ewayOption1, [EwayRequest#ewayRequest.ewayOption1]} 

testRecord() -> 
        ewayCustomerID = "87654321", 
        ewayCustomerFirstName = "Jackie", 
        ewayCustomerLastName = "Chan" 

Running form the command line produces the xml 

12> eway_xml:asXml(eway_xml:testRecord()). 