[Erlang 0012]Erlang Process input queue 一文我们提到使用erlang:process_info/1抓取进程运行时状态信息,有时我们需要把节点内所有的进程的信息都抓取下来,便于分析整个节点内进程的运行状态,特别是挑出一些异常的进程:比如有些进程的reduction值和其它进程相比大出好几个数量级,那这个进程需要好好检查一下了。
{minor_gcs,2}]}, %%% erlang的垃圾回收是mark sweep方式。 major做全量的gc, minor就是不够内存的时候,缺多少就去回收下,力度比较小。
- {current_function, {Module, Function, Args}}
当前进程调用的方法M F A
- {dictionary, Dictionary}
- {garbage_collection, GCInfo}
GCInfo is a list which contains miscellaneous information about garbage collection for this process. The content of GCInfo may be changed without prior notice.
- {group_leader, GroupLeader}
- {heap_size, Size}
Size is the size in words of youngest heap generation of the process. This generation currently include the stack of the process. This information is highly implementation dependent, and may change if the implementation change.
- {initial_call, {Module, Function, Arity}}
Module, Function, Arity is the initial function call with which the process was spawned.
- {links, Pids}
- {last_calls, false|Calls}
The value is false if call saving is not active for the process (see process_flag/3). If call saving is active, a list is returned, in which the last element is the most recent called.
- {memory, Size}
Size is the size in bytes of the process. This includes call stack, heap and internal structures.
- {message_binary, BinInfo}
BinInfo is a list containing miscellaneous information about binaries currently being referred to by the message area. This InfoTuple is only valid on an emulator using the hybrid heap type. This InfoTuple may be changed or removed without prior notice.
- {message_queue_len, MessageQueueLen}
- {messages, MessageQueue}
- {min_heap_size, MinHeapSize}
- {min_bin_vheap_size, MinBinVHeapSize}
- {monitored_by, Pids}
- {priority, Level}
进程优先级,通过 process_flag(priority, Level).设置
- {reductions, Number}
Reduction is an approximate measure of how much CPU time they have used.
比如某个进程执行一个函数,reduction就会增加,执行gc reduction会进行减少。 - {registered_name, Atom}
- {stack_size, Size}
- {status, Status}
进程状态,有exiting, garbage_collecting, waiting (for a message), running, runnable (ready to run, but another process is running), or suspended
- {total_heap_size, Size}
Size is the total size in words of all heap fragments of the process. This currently include the stack of the process.
- {trap_exit, Boolean}
单个Erlang Process 占用多少内存?
An Erlang process is lightweight compared to operating systems threads and processes.
A newly spawned Erlang process uses 309 words of memory in the non-SMP emulator without HiPE support. (SMP support and HiPE support will both add to this size.) The size can be found out like this:
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6 [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.6 (abort with ^G) 1> Fun = fun() -> receive after infinity -> ok end end. #Fun<...> 2> {_,Bytes} = process_info(spawn(Fun), memory). {memory,1232} 3> Bytes div erlang:system_info(wordsize). 309The size includes 233 words for the heap area (which includes the stack). The garbage collector will increase the heap as needed.
2014-2-28 10:58:48 重新做了上面的测试,看下结果:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | Eshell V5.10.2 (abort with ^G) 1> Fun=fun() -> receive after infinity ->ok end end. #Fun<erl_eval.20.80484245> 2> {_,Bytes}=process_info(spawn(Fun),memory). {memory,2656} 3> Bytes div erlang:system_info(wordsize). 332 4> 4> erlang:system_info(wordsize). 8 5> process_info(spawn(Fun)). [{current_function,{erlang,apply,2}}, {initial_call,{erlang,apply,2}}, {status,runnable}, {message_queue_len,0}, {messages,[]}, {links,[]}, {dictionary,[]}, {trap_exit, false }, {error_handler,error_handler}, {priority,normal}, {group_leader,<0.26.0>}, {total_heap_size,233}, {heap_size,233}, {stack_size,0}, {reductions,0}, {garbage_collection,[{min_bin_vheap_size,46422}, {min_heap_size,233}, {fullsweep_after,65535}, {minor_gcs,0}]}, {suspending,[]}] 6> |
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