

// 字典类
function Dictionary () {
    this.add = add;
    this.dataStore = new Array();
    this.find = find;
    this.remove = remove;
    this.showAll = showAll;
    this.count = count;
    this.clear = clear;
function add (key, value) {
    this.dataStore[key] = value;
function find (key) {
    return this.dataStore[key];
function remove (key) {
    delete this.dataStore[key];
function showAll () {
    let datakeys =;
    for (let key in datakeys.sort()) {
        console.log(`${datakeys[key]} -> ${this.dataStore[datakeys[key]]}`);
// 计数
function count () {
    let n = 0;
    for (let key in Object.keys(this.dataStore)) {
    return n;
// 清空
function clear () {
    Object.keys(this.dataStore).forEach((key) => {
        delete this.dataStore[key];
    }, this);


使用Dictionary类写一个程序,该程序用来存储一段文本中各个单词出现的次数。该程序显示每个单词出现的次数,但每个单词只显示一次。比如下面一段话“the brown fox jumped over the blue fox”,程序的输出应为:

  • the: 2
  • brown: 1
  • fox: 2
  • jumped: 1
  • over: 1
  • blue: 1
function showWordCount (word) {
    let d = new Dictionary();
    let words = word.split(' ');
    for (let i = 0, max = words.length; i < max; ++i) {
        // 首次出现
        if (typeof d.find(words[i]) === 'undefined') {
            d.add(words[i], 1);
        } else {
    Object.keys(d.dataStore).forEach((key) => {
        console.log(`${key}: ${d.find(key)}`);
    }, this);
// 示例
showWordCount('the brown fox jumped over the blue fox');


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