根据Gabriele Cirulli大神的源代码和参考网上大神的源码制作了这个VB版的2048。
上下左右移动键盘即可,点击New Game开始新一轮的游戏。
Option Explicit Dim BoxValue(3, 3) As Integer '格子的数量 Dim Score As Long '得分 Dim fWidth As Single Dim mLeft As Integer, mTop As Integer Dim mSize As Integer '按键部分 Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) scorel.Caption = "Score:" & Score KeyPreview = True Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyLeft Call MoveBox(1) Case vbKeyRight Call MoveBox(2) Case vbKeyUp Call MoveBox(3) Case vbKeyDown Call MoveBox(4) 'Case vbKeySpace ' Call NewGame 按下空格新建游戏 End Select End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() KeyPreview = True Me.Width = 7000 Me.Height = 8000 Me.Caption = "2048" Me.KeyPreview = True Me.AutoRedraw = True Me.ScaleMode = 3 Me.FontSize = 32 fWidth = TextWidth("0") mSize = 450 mLeft = (Me.ScaleWidth - mSize) / 2 mTop = (Me.ScaleHeight - mSize - mLeft) Call NewGame End Sub '开始游戏 Private Sub NewGame() Dim R As Integer, C As Integer Line (mLeft, mTop)-(mLeft + 450, mTop + 450), RGB(128, 128, 128), BF Line (mLeft + 1, mTop + 1)-(Me.ScaleWidth - mLeft, Me.ScaleHeight - mLeft - 1), RGB(40, 40, 40), B For R = 0 To 3 For C = 0 To 3 DrawBox 0, R, C Next Next Score = 0 Call NewBox Call NewBox End Sub '画出格子 Private Sub DrawBox(ByVal N As Integer, ByVal R As Integer, ByVal C As Integer) Dim L As Integer, T As Integer Dim tmpStr As String L = C * 110 + 10 + mLeft T = R * 110 + 10 + mTop If N = 0 Then Line (L + 1, T + 1)-(L + 102, T + 102), RGB(100, 100, 100), BF Line (L, T)-(L + 100, T + 100), RGB(203, 192, 177), BF Else Line (L, T)-(L + 100, T + 100), BoxColor(N), BF Line (L + 2, T + 2)-(L + 99, T + 99), RGB(100, 100, 100), B Line (L + 1, T + 1)-(L + 98, T + 98), RGB(216, 216, 216), B tmpStr = Trim(Str(N)) CurrentX = L + (100 - TextWidth(tmpStr)) / 2 - fWidth CurrentY = T + (100 - TextHeight(tmpStr)) / 2 Print N End If BoxValue(R, C) = N End Sub '移动格子 Private Sub MoveBox(ByVal Fx As Integer) Dim B As Integer, N As Integer, S As Integer Dim R As Integer, C As Integer, K As Integer Dim bMove As Boolean If Fx < 3 Then '左右移动 If Fx = 1 Then B = 1: N = 3: S = 1 Else B = 2: N = 0: S = -1 End If For R = 0 To 3 K = IIf(Fx = 1, 0, 3) For C = B To N Step S If BoxValue(R, C) > 0 Then If (BoxValue(R, C) = BoxValue(R, K)) Then DrawBox BoxValue(R, C) * 2, R, K DrawBox 0, R, C Score = Score + BoxValue(R, K) If BoxValue(R, K) = 2048 Then MsgBox "You Win!", vbInformation End If bMove = True Else If BoxValue(R, K) > 0 Then K = K + S If K <> C Then DrawBox BoxValue(R, C), R, K DrawBox 0, R, C bMove = True End If Else DrawBox BoxValue(R, C), R, K DrawBox 0, R, C bMove = True End If End If End If Next C Next R Else '上下移动 If Fx = 3 Then B = 1: N = 3: S = 1 Else B = 2: N = 0: S = -1 End If For C = 0 To 3 K = IIf(Fx = 3, 0, 3) For R = B To N Step S If BoxValue(R, C) > 0 Then If BoxValue(R, C) = BoxValue(K, C) Then DrawBox BoxValue(R, C) * 2, K, C DrawBox 0, R, C Score = Score + BoxValue(K, C) If BoxValue(R, K) = 2048 Then MsgBox "You Win!", vbInformation End If bMove = True Else If BoxValue(K, C) > 0 Then K = K + S If K <> R Then DrawBox BoxValue(R, C), K, C DrawBox 0, R, C bMove = True End If Else DrawBox BoxValue(R, C), K, C DrawBox 0, R, C bMove = True End If End If End If Next R Next C End If If bMove Then ' Call PrintScore Call NewBox ' 检查死局 For R = 0 To 3 For C = 0 To 3 If BoxValue(R, C) = 0 Then Exit Sub If R < 3 Then If BoxValue(R, C) = BoxValue(R + 1, C) Then Exit Sub If C < 3 Then If BoxValue(R, C) = BoxValue(R, C + 1) Then Exit Sub Next Next MsgBox "Game Over!", vbInformation Call NewGame End If End Sub '产生新方格 Private Sub NewBox() Dim R As Integer, C As Integer Randomize R = Int(Rnd * 4) C = Int(Rnd * 4) Do While BoxValue(R, C) > 0 R = Int(Rnd * 4) C = Int(Rnd * 4) Loop BoxValue(R, C) = 2 DrawBox 2, R, C End Sub '方格颜色 Private Function BoxColor(ByVal N As Integer) As Long Select Case N Case 2 BoxColor = &H80FFFF Case 4 BoxColor = &H80C0FF Case 8 BoxColor = &H8080FF Case 16 BoxColor = &HFFFF& Case 32 BoxColor = &H80FF& Case 64 BoxColor = &H40C0& Case 128 BoxColor = &HFF00FF Case 256 BoxColor = &HFF8080 Case 512 BoxColor = &HC000& Case 1024 BoxColor = &H808000 Case 2048 BoxColor = &HFF& End Select End Function Private Sub newgamel_Click() Call NewGame End Sub
@ Mayuko