robotframework 下关于拖拽功能的关键字

1、Drag And Drop


 2、Mouse Click Drag


Name:    Mouse Click Drag
Source:  AutoItLibrary <test library>
[ strButton= | nX1= | nY1= | nX2= | nY2= | nSpeed=-1 ]
method MouseClickDrag



3、 Drag And Drop By Offset



Name:      Drag And Drop By Offset
Source:    Selenium2Library <test library>
Arguments:      [ source | xoffset | yoffset ]


Drags element identified with `source` which is a locator. 
Element will be moved by xoffset and yoffset, each of which is a negative or positive number specify the offset. 
Drag And Drop By Offset   myElem    50     -35      # Move myElem 50px right and 35px down.


posted @ 2017-05-05 18:19  马小兔  阅读(2141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报