

 1 void fun(char (*ss)[20])
2 {
3 int len = strlen(ss[2]);
       char c = ss[2][3];
4 }
6 void main()
7 {
8 char ss[10][20];
9 fun(ss);
10 }



char* ss

char* ss[]

都是错误的(可以用char ss[10][20]),首先编译上通不过,本质上的原因是:

int* a[]; a是指针数组.

int b[10][20], (*c)[20] = b; b,c都是数组指针,即:A pointer to an array.有时也称为“行指针”,因为通过它能直接引用b某一行的元素.

int d=3, *e = &d; e是指向普通单个元素的指针.







But,   how   will   you   declare   a   Pointer   to   an   Array   of   Integers?  
It   will   look   like   this:  
int   (*iMyVar)[10];  
iMyVar   is   now   a   Pointer   to   an   array   of   10   integers.  
By   the   way,   what   is   the   difference   between   Pointer   to   integer   and   pointer   to   an   array   of   integers?   Well,   it   is   slightly   out   of   the   topic;   In   simpler   terms,  
int   *p;   p++;   increments   address   in   p   by   the   size   of   integer   whereas,
int   (*ap)[10];   p++   ;   increments   address   in   p   by   (10*size   of   integer).
ap   points   to   10   element   int   array,
p   points   to   an   int.


The   c++   programming   language:
int   v[]={1,2,3,4};
int   *p1=v;        //pointer   to   initial   element   (implicit   conversion)

int   *p2=&v[0];     //pointer   to   initial   element  

char   v[]= "Annemarie ";
char   *p=v;    //implicit   conversion   of   char[]   to   char*






posted @ 2011-11-05 21:47  mavaL  阅读(221)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报