The help information of PSD.See

The help information of PSD.See


PSD.See is a professional tool for Adobe Photoshop'psd file, support android and ios. you could search "PSD.See" in App store and download for ios; for android you could search and download it in google play or other app market.

You can browse psd file of Adobe Photoshop, bmp, jpg and png format images by PSD.See; the following points will help you for using PSD.See

  1. open and browse psd file which in your device
  2. browse the psd document between the Photoshop in your computer and the PSD.See in your mobile device
  3. the solution of can't connecting Photoshop successful
  4. transfer files between tow devices by QR code
  5. scan psd files in the SD card of your device (only android)
  6. scan image files in the SD card of your device (only android)
  7. rotate image (only support PSD.See Pro)
  8. show layers of psd document(only support PSD.See Pro)

1. open and browse psd file which in your device

You could open and browse the psd file from other app(eg. email, cloud device) by PSD.See

(android example)


 (ios example)


You can do some operating such as translation or scaling when the file is opened by PSD.See

2. browse the psd document between the Photoshop in your computer and the PSD.See in your mobile device

It require Photoshop CS5(12.0.4)or later; please run Photoshop on your computer and then open a psd or image file. select "Edit" -> "Remote Connections..."

Enter the password and check "Enable Remote Connections" on "Remote Connections" dialog box.

Please run "PSD.See" on your phone, and then click "remote connect" button

Note your phone and computer must connect the same WIFI, click the "add" button


Please enter server ip and password from "Remote Connections" in Photoshop, then click "Add" button

If PSD.See on your phone connect Photoshop success, your operation on Photoshop will synchronize to your phone real time; you could click the left bottom button to save image into photos of the phone, or click the right bottom button to transfer a image from the photos of your phone to Photoshop on your computer.

when you click "add" button the system photos will be opened, then select a photo which will be transfered to Photoshop


then transfered success, the Photoshop on your computer will create a new psd document from your phone.

3. the solution of can't connecting Photoshop successful

 If your phone connect Photoshop on the computer failed many times, these points will help you

  • Please make sure that your phone and the computer are connected in the same WIFI
  • Reset your phone's WIFI(close your phone's wifi and restart it)
  • Reset your computer's WIFI (close your computer's wifi and restart it)

4. transfer files between tow devices by QR code

 This function help you to transfer files between tow devices very easy, click the "transfer" button in PSD.See of A device

It will create a QR code

click "scan" button on device B, please keep two device to connect the same WIFI.

When scan success, the file will be transfered from device A to device B.

5. scan psd files in the SD card of your device (only android)

This function will help you to scan psd files in SD card, only for android user.

6. scan image files in the SD card of your device (only android)

7. rotate image (only support PSD.See Pro)

you could rotate the image or psd document which has opened

8. show layers of psd document (only support PSD.See Pro)

when a RGB format psd document is opened, you can browse all layers of document. (now not support Effects)

posted @ 2016-10-07 01:09  麦苗  阅读(678)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报