了解Maclean Liu|向Maclean Liu提问 Oracle ALLSTARS 全明星(群内有多位Oracle高级售后support,N位OCM和ACE) QQ群 # QQ群号:23549328 # 已经升级到 2000人群,空位多多。欢迎有一定基础的Oracle骨友加入,现在入群需要经过Maclean的技术面试,欢迎面试,请加QQ号:47079569 为好友参加面试 2群基础群 适合刚入门的同学,会共享最佳入门实践和资料 QQ群 # QQ群号:171092051 # 已经升级到 500人的超级群,空位多多,无需面试

Script:RAC Failover检验脚本loop.sh

  nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql &
     sleep 1
  nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql &
     sleep 1
  nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql &
     sleep 1
  nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql &
     sleep 1

verify.sql (检验SQL)
  REM  set pagesize 1000
  REM  the following query is for TAF connection verification
  col sid format 999
  col serial# format 9999999
  col failover_type format a13
  col failover_method format a15
  col failed_over format a11
  select sid, serial#, failover_type, failover_method, failed_over
    from v$session where username = 'SU';

  REM  the following query is for load balancing verification
  select instance_name from v$instance;

  REM you can also combine two queries:
  col inst_id format 999
  col sid format 999
  col serial# format 9999999
  col failover_type format a13
  col failover_method format a15
  col failed_over format a11

  select inst_id, sid, serial#, failover_type, failover_method,
         failed_over from gv$session where username = 'SU';

  REM  a simple select to see the distribution of users when testing 
  REM  connection load balancing

  select inst_id, count(*) from gv$session group by inst_id;


posted on 2013-03-19 00:47  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(184)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
