Installation Steps OWSM and SOA

Oracle Web Services Manager offers a comprehensive and easy-to-use solution for policy management and security of service infrastructure. It provides visibility and control of the policies through a centralized administration interface offered by Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Web Services Manager is a component of SOA Suite.


1. Software download:
2. Installing the OWSM Agent and SOA Shiphome.
3.Installed wls1036_generic.jar as there was not option for 64 bit version.
Created Middleware Home(MW_HOME) for the WLS .
unzip all 6 zip files to
execute./soa/Disk1/runInstaller -jreLoc <jdk_loc>
4.Install the setup select the Middleware home given in earlier setup.
after installation set $ORACLE_HOME=$MW_HOME/Oracle_SOA1
5.Now you need to create Schema for the SOA suite. So for this we run the rcu utility.
execute. /rcu_home/bin/rcu where- rcu_home is the directory where the file is extracted.
6.Go to create and provide the data base connection details.
7.then select the SOA suit infrastructure here as below

8.Then hit create.
Now configure the SOA Domain : goto $ORACLE_HOME/common/bin
./ and select create new weblogic domain.

select SOA suite owsm and Oracle JRf and EM as below.

9.To check deployments are up start the servers

./ ----> to start the admin server.
./ soa_server1 ---> to start the SOA server.

10.To ensure you have installed the server with right policy go to the URLhttp://host name:9001/wsm-pm/validator [in my case Admin server hosted at 9001]


posted @ 2014-05-29 14:36  Alice Liu(刘志红)  阅读(295)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报