笔记268 如何查看SQL 表里的幽灵记录 ghostrecord 2013-5-9
笔记268 如何查看SQL 表里的幽灵记录 ghostrecord 2013-5-9
1 --如何查看SQL 表里的幽灵记录 ghostrecord 2013-5-9 2 SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS '数据库', OBJECT_NAME(object_id), ghost_record_count, 3 version_ghost_record_count 4 FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(N'GPOSDB'), 5 OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.CT_FuelingData'), NULL, NULL, 6 'DETAILED'); 7 8 --描述:The Ghost record count is the row count in the index leaf level marked for deletion, 9 -- but not yet deleted by the database engine Ghost_record_count is the ghost record count awaiting removal by the ghost cleanup task in the allocation unit. 10 -- Version_Ghost_record_count is the ghost records count 11 --sustained by a snapshot isolation transaction in an allocation unit.